Hero Of Hearts 6811

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6811

Although the current rhythm of cellphone ringing and vibrating has not changed one bit from usual,

Jimmy felt that the cell phone was ringing much faster, and it seemed to be getting faster and more restless.

At this moment, the anxious phone ringing finally stopped, leaving a missed call on his phone screen.

Soon after, he received another text message from his boss, which read: “Get your damn phone! Quick! Quick!”

After seeing this message, Jimmy’s mouth felt dry, but he still subconsciously swallowed hard.

He had talked too much earlier, and his throat felt dry and sore.

But he didn’t care about it at the moment, because his boss called again.

Because of that SMS, Jimmy didn’t dare to hesitate anymore and could only answer the phone in panic.

Looking at Steve who was full of pride, he said into the phone tremblingly: “Old… boss…”

A hysterical roar immediately came from the other side of the phone: “Smith, what are you doing outside?!

Why did someone from the Rothschild family call and say that the eldest young master was very dissatisfied with you?

I am so damn jealous of Roth.”

Having served the Childe family for many years,

I never had the chance to meet the eldest young master.

How did you offend eldest young master?”

Jimmy’s hanging heart finally fell with a thud.

He also hoped that the boss’s call this time was just a coincidence and had nothing to do with the man in front of him who claimed to be a core member of the Rothschild family.

But as soon as the boss said these words,

he knew that he had really offended someone big today.

He looked at Steve with eyes full of despair and pleading,

and he could only say while crying: “Boss, this… this is a misunderstanding.

I will explain it personally to Mr. Rothschild…”

“Your explanation is bullshit!” the other party angrily said: “Now it’s your turn to explain?”

“I told you, you have been fired from Ellis Law Firm!”

“You don’t need to come to undergo resignation.”

the procedure, I will let someone else do it.”

Have your items delivered to your home. “

From now on, I don’t want to see you again, and you don’t want me to see you either!”

When Jimmy heard that his boss was going to fire him, he subconsciously said: “Boss, you have no right to do this!

I always do a very good job.

I get an A+ on every assessment every year, and I have options at the firm.

Senior partner of the firm, you are not qualified to fire me directly!

If you want to fire me by force,

I will sue the law firm and ask you to pay huge compensation!”

“Am I not qualified?” The other party sneered: “Jimmy, let me remind you,

over the years you have been at a law firm, you have dealt with clients who have crossed the firm no less than five times.

Not to mention anything else, but last year Mel Goode…

In the patent dispute case between Mann and IBM, if I remember correctly, our law firm offered him a risk agency with a 20% share. the ratio is too high,

so he’s personally talking through you and one of your college friends.

The small law firm you open achieves 10% risk agent cooperation.

You are secretly responsible for all work outside the court hearing to participate in the trial.

In the end, you helped him get a patent worth 45 million US dollars from IBM.

I got four and a half million dollars in royalties.

I did not accuse you wrongly, but I can send you to prison just for this one case!”