Hero Of Hearts 6824

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6824

Twelve hours later, an angry Jimmy lands at New York’s JFK Airport.

His boss, Knight, was waiting for him at the airport with an option agreement.

In the twelve hours since he had returned, Jimmy had not slept a minute.

The only thing he was thinking about was how to do his best to torture his boss, Knight, who had no virtue to death.

Ellis Law Firm’s annual net profit is approximately 500 million US dollars.

Among them, the boss Knight, as the founder and major shareholder, can get at least 150 million US dollars.

Jimmy calculated that the total annual salary, bonuses and share of these ten people was about 100 million US dollars.

Although the income of these ten people only accounts for 20% of the company’s profits, the output value they produce accounts for 20% of the company’s profits of 80% or more of the entire law firm.

Jimmy felt that since he had Steve as his sword, he would naturally take the ten most capable people in the Ellis Law Firm and leave none to Knight.

As long as these ten people leave Ellis, Ellis’ income next year will probably be reduced by at least half.

The most frightening thing is that these ten people no longer create value for Ellis,

but Ellis will continue to pay them full salary, which will take another 100 million from Ellis’ profits next year.

So do the math, Ellis might start losing money next year.

But Jimmy felt that this alone was not enough.

He wanted Knight to pay a greater price.

So, he spent twelve hours planning a very dangerous plan.

As he walked out of the airport while staring at the dark circles under his eyes, Knight came forward excitedly.

As soon as he appeared, he took the initiative to embrace and said enthusiastically: “Jimmy, you are finally back! “

While talking, he was afraid that Jimmy would attack him directly, so he quickly took out a document from his bag and said to Jimmy: “There are two agreements here,

the first is your letter of agreement to join the board of directors, and the other is to give you some additional options.

Agreement, it is conservatively estimated that this option agreement will provide you with an additional income of five million US dollars annually.

This is also my intention as the boss, all seriously.”

Jimmy nodded calmly and asked him, “Will the other directors agree to let me join the board of directors?”

Knight said quickly: “I haven’t communicated with them in detail, but I believe that if I recommend you to join the board of directors, they will definitely have no objection.”

“Most of these directors were investors in the early years, and they have grown from The law firm has made a lot of money from its dividends, so if I want to appoint you to the board of directors, they must not dare to refuse.”

While saying this, Knight added: “If you’re tired, I’ll tell you to go home first to rest.”

“If we’re not tired, we’ll go straight to the company. The board members are waiting to meet you.”

Jimmy said calmly, “Then let’s go to the company first.”

“Okay!” Knight said with a smile: “My car is outside, let’s go!”

As the two exited the airport, Knight invited her into his Bentley.

Then Knight drove, Jimmy sat in the passenger seat, and the car sped toward the offices of Ellis & Associates in Manhattan.