Hero Of Heart Chapter 426 Tambelan

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade

Chapter 426

Manager Zeng quickly handed the phone to Mr. Orvel and said, “Mr. Orvel, Mr. Issac is looking for you.”

Orvel picked up the phone, and Issac reprimanded on the phone: “Mr. Orvel, what’s the matter with you? Do you dare to make trouble on my ground? Do you want to hit me? Are you a bit too arrogant?”

Mr. Orvel said seriously: “Ms. Issac, it was not I who made trouble, but Liu Ming, who offended Mr. Wade, and your, Manager Zeng, also helped Liu Ming teach Mr. Wade. What do you think?”

Issac blurted out and asked, “Mr. Wade? Is it Mr. Wade?”

“Of course, besides him, who else is Mr. Wade?” Mr. Orvel smiled.

Issac was shocked!

Unexpectedly, a dog under his hands bit his owner!

This is just asking for f*cking death!

So, he immediately followed by detour: “Mr. Orvel, you turn on the handsfree!”

Orvel immediately turned on the speaker and heard Issac’s angry roar: “Zeng, you b@stard! You don’t have so long eyes and offend Mr. Wade? Have you lived enough?”

As soon as Zeng heard this, his legs trembled with fright: “Mr. Wade, I don’t know this is Mr. Wade…”

Issac scolded: “You do it yourself this time, don’t blame me for not showing you mercy.”

After speaking, he said again: “Mr. Orvel, what does Mr. Wade mean?”

Orvel said: “Mr. Wade meant to dismiss this kid, then drive out of Aurous Hill, and see him cut once when he comes back!”

Issac said immediately: “Okay! Could you do me a favor!”

Orvel hurriedly said, “Issac, please speak.”

Issac said coldly: “Beat him to half death first!”

“Okay.” Orvel agreed with a smile and then hung up.

Zeng was already sitting on the ground with fright. Who is that young man! Why even President Issac respects him so much!

He couldn’t help but knelt and climbed in front of Charlie, kowtowing his head and begging for mercy: “Mr. Wade, please let me go. I have lived in Aurous Hill since I was a child. My parents, relatives, and friends are in Aurous Hill. If I can’t come back for a lifetime, Why am I still alive!”

Charlie said coldly: “As the manager of Champs Elysees, I believe that Issac should not give you less money. Your salary plus bonus for a year is at least one or two million or more. This in itself is enough for you to live a good life in Aurous Hill. , Become a high-paid family man, but you just want to be a sh!t for someone like Liu Ming, and you also bring Champs Elys’ security guards to help Liu Ming beat other guests. With this end, you deserve it!”

After speaking, Charlie asked again: “Do you know that, including you and these security guards, all the employees hired by Champs Elysees? Champs Elys hired you with money so that you can help everyone As for customer service, you should treat every customer fairly. Why are you responsive to Liu Ming?! You even helped him beat others. Is this a job duty given to you by Champs Elys?”

Zeng cried and said, “Mr. Wade, to tell you, I think that Liu Ming has a little background, and I want to make friends with him more, so I deliberately please, I was also confused for a while…”

Charlie sneered: “Adults must pay for their own confusion!”

After all, he looked at Orvel and angrily said: “Mr. Orvel, don’t do it yet, what are you waiting for?!”