Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7062

Hero Of Hearts The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7062

At this time, Victoria was retreating in her dojo.

The dojo is located in the deepest part of this Antarctic island, more than 300 meters below sea level and surrounded by cold rocks. The reason why Victoria chose to establish the Warriors Den base near the remote Antarctic Circle is because On is more hidden and safe on the one hand, and on the other hand because the environment here is more suitable for cultivation.

In recent years, Victoria has rarely retreated for long periods of time, with each retreat lasting anywhere from a few days to a few months.

The reason why Victoria did not seclude herself for a long time was not because she was worried that the development of the Warriors Den Society would be out of her control, but because as she got older, it became more difficult for her to practice concentrating. Five hundred years had passed in the blink of an eye, and 80% had passed. The recipe for the Hundred Turns and Thousand Returns Pill had not been found, it was indeed used for cultivation, it could be said at a glance.

The older Victoria gets, the more she feels that life sometimes corresponds to what is called conservation of energy.

Even though a monk lives a long life, the time he spends experiencing the world and truly enjoying life is not much better than that of an ordinary person who dies at the age of sixty or seventy, and may even be worse.

In the past four hundred years, he spent at least three hundred years cultivating. The rest of the time was spent on finding Maria Lin, or developing the Warriors Den Society, and enjoying life, which was almost zero.

Looking back now, the best time in my life was actually when I trained with my older brother Lin Zhulu on Shiwanda Mountain.

At that time, Master Meng Changsheng did not often interfere in their affairs. After a few days of seclusion, he would take half an hour to check on their progress and give some pointers, and then he would not leave seclusion for a few days.

Therefore, at that time, this world was almost like a two-person world for two people.

Victoria enjoys the feeling that the outside world is in chaos, but she can make peace with her lover, which will double her happiness.

In addition, the cultivation experience also gave him great expectations and joy, which was equivalent to adding a powerful buff to his happiness.

However, that beautiful feeling completely collapsed when he stabbed Lin Zhulu with his sword. Since then, life has lost its happiness, and all that remains is a perverted desire.

Victoria, who was currently in retreat, did not focus on cultivation, but wanted to calm down here and think about her next life plans.

Four hundred years passed in the blink of an eye, and he knew very well that he had entered the twilight years of his life. Originally, he had pinned his hopes on obtaining the Hundred Turns Thousand Return Pill and extending it for another five hundred years, but the last time he went to the hundred thousand After the mountains, he realized that Master Meng Changsheng had not truly died. The various pursuits he had made over the past hundred years were probably just a small move in the grand chess game made by his master.

As a result, the hope for another five hundred years became increasingly slim.

He never knew what kind of tricks his master had pulled after he had been dormant on Mount Shiwan for four hundred years.

While I was racking my brain and couldn’t find a solution, I felt in my consciousness that someone was approaching from above the dojo hundreds of meters deep, and it was Wu Tianlin.

Wu Tianlin reached the top of the dojo, where there was a thick stone door.

Entering the stone gate is the first step into the Victoria dojo.

Inside the stone arch there is a protective Victorian formation, and then there is a vertical shaft more than two hundred meters deep practically in isolation.

Wu Tianlin stopped in front of the first stone gate above, and said respectfully through the stone gate: “Master Ying, I have something important to report!”

Victoria frowned slightly, and immediately stood up and walked out of the dojo. The thick stone door below was easily opened by the spiritual energy above the well in the blink of an eye.

Immediately after, the stone door above opened to both sides, and Victoria stepped out. Looking at the sweaty Wu Tianlin, she asked coldly: “What happened?”

Wu Tianlin calmed down and said in a heavy tone: “Mr. Ying, Shutong called, something happened to the Moroccan death camp. It… was completely destroyed…”

Victoria’s face was filled with shock: “Morocco?!”

Wu Tianlin nodded: “It is indeed Morocco. My subordinates have seen the video and the station has been completely destroyed.”