Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7065

Hero Of Hearts The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7065

Victoria suddenly thought hard.

People with strong material resources are often not wise enough.

Victoria has been roaming the world for more than three hundred years. Since she stabbed Lin Zhulu and left Shiwan Mountain, she has never met an opponent in this world.

He was attacked in the dark by Charlie one after another, and he had already suffered a stress disorder. He always felt that this man was elusive, had great power, and had endless ways to kill people.

He was prolific in killing people, but he never thought of using close-range anti-cannons to kill people, let alone using helicopter rotors to cut off people’s heads.

Is this a trick thought up by a monk?

There is no self-defense ethics.

But his opponent did not play according to his routine. Yesterday, close-range artillery, today helicopters, and the day after tomorrow, they might as well bring out Katyushas from the Soviet Union a little envious of this mysterious person.

But what Wu Tianlin said was not unreasonable.

Even though he lost one city first, it was also an opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

If we take the opportunity to capture the other party and kill them, we can settle this matter once and for all.

If I miss this opportunity, it might not be easy to find it again.

After thinking for a moment, he said: “Let the three elders go together. If you are more careful, there will be no danger. But they are of no use now. Although Morocco is not big, they want to conquer Morocco with just the three of them.”

Checking everything is a fool’s errand. Let the three elders continue to stay in Nigeria. In addition to the Nigerian cavalry guards, Jon Wu also asked Jon Wu to send all the people from the Huben Right Battalion of the Army Governor’s Mansion to Morocco.”

After these people arrive in Morocco, don’t let go of any clues. I want to know how the other party left, how he walked, and where he went. The people stationed in Morocco, I will immediately inform the three elders to come over.”

The others will help the three elders to get all the other party’s possessions. Kill them all, kill as many as you can!”

Wu Tianlin felt that Victoria’s decision was quite reasonable. Although the three elders were very powerful, they had been practicing in seclusion for many years, the technology to investigate clues and let them find people. They might not really have that ability.

It would be better if they let the trained Cavalry Guards and the stronger Huben Battalion members go to investigate. but they had also received systematic military training. They were almost the same as agents. Generally the same, and it would be more appropriate for them to investigate.

Although the straight-line distance between Nigeria and Morocco is more than 3,000 kilometers, once the enemy is found, the aircraft can arrive within a few hours. In this way, the three elders can be used as precision strike nuclear weapons, the target is found, can be launched immediately.

So, he said without thinking: “Mr. Ying, you should consider it more comprehensively. I will go and ratify the order now.”

Wu Tianlin’s order was first conveyed to the three elders.

In any case, Jon Wu had to be punished first, so he asked the three elders to cut off Wu Tianlin’s left hand, and then stay on standby in Nigeria. After Jon Wu’s left hand was cut off, he would pass on another order to him.

In order to protect Jon Wu, Wu Tianlin also specially asked the three elders to seal Jon Wu’s meridians and nerves before taking action, and then treat Jon Wu’s injuries after taking action to at least save him from the pain.

After receiving the order, the three elders immediately stopped the retreat.

Jon Wu was still anxiously waiting for Wu Tianlin’s response, wondering how the British lord would punish him.

General Chavren Yuan had been summoned to his side. After learning everything that had happened in Morocco, Chavren Yuan was also very anxious and waited anxiously with Jon Wu.

At this time, someone came quickly to report: “Grand Governor, the three elders have left seclusion and are heading this way!”