Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7067

Hero Of Hearts The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7067

After cutting off Jon Wu’s left hand, Elder Wu Bolin picked up Jon Wu’s severed hand from the ground and said, “We will continue to retreat here and wait for Lord British’s next order. If Lord British gives you a chance to compensate for your mistake, you must take good care of it and not disappoint Lord British again.”

Jon Wu could only nod his head heavily and said, “Elder, rest assured, this young man will do his best to follow your advice.”

After that, he whispered again: “Thank you, Great Elder, for showing mercy…”

Jon Wu knew very well that the Great Elder treated him quite well. His left hand was cut off without any pain. All of this was due to the protection of the Great Elder’s spiritual energy. and the subsequent pain of healing the wound would definitely be very difficult as well.

Wu Bolin had been in Nigeria these days and he also knew that Jon Wu’s current situation was a bit unfair in taking the blame, but he also knew that he couldn’t say such things, so he said: “We are all from the Wu family, so I don’t need to say thank you. The three of us will continue to work together. “This place is going to be sealed off, please be careful.”

“Retreat from here?!” Jon Wu asked in surprise: “The mysterious man passed by this place, won’t the three elders come back?”

Wu Bolin said calmly: “The English Master ordered us to continue to retreat here, of course we can’t take a half step.”

When Jon Wu heard this, he felt even more puzzled. He didn’t understand why the Lord didn’t let the three old men go to Morocco. Wouldn’t it be better if I didn’t move them and let them go to Morocco? Find the enemy’s whereabouts and find an opportunity to kill him with one blow?

However, Wu Bolin had already said that this was the order of the English Master, so he didn’t dare to ask in detail, so he respectfully said: “Then I will dismiss the three elders.”

“No need” Wu Bolin waved his hand, turned around and left the place.

When he reached the door, he said calmly without looking back: “I will burn your severed hand with real fire later, so don’t worry.”

After saying that, he left the place.

In the room, only Jon Wu and Chavren Yuan were left.

When Chavren Yuan saw Jon Wu’s amputated left wrist, he knelt down and said in fear: “This subordinate did not do his job well, please ask the Governor to punish me!”

A good boss must learn to blame the subordinates who support him.

Even if you can’t do it, you must be responsible by believing the words.

Chavren Yuan knew that this time the Governor was responsible for the failure of the British Lord’s mission, so naturally he had to make the Governor more comfortable.

Sure enough, seeing Chavren Yuan kneeling down to plead guilty, Jon Wu relaxed a little. Then he sighed and said: “Get up, the British Lord ordered the three elders to stay here, there must be other orders. From now on, you, you must move forward with all your life-threatening energy, otherwise, otherwise, I I’m afraid that next time they won’t cut my wrist, but my neck!

Chavren Yuan clenched his fists and said respectfully: “Please rest assured, Supreme Commander, your subordinates will do their best!”

As soon as Chavren Yuan finished speaking, Jon Wu received a call from Wu Tianlin.

On the phone, Wu Tianlin repeated the task Victoria had given him and said: “Shutong, this is a good opportunity for you to atone for your sins. Morocco is not big or small, more than 10,000 people have no chance and possibility. ” to leave immediately without being discovered, so it is almost zero, so those people should still be in Morocco now. Immediately send all the Cavalry Guards to Nigeria, as well as the entire Tiger Army Plus Battalion troops. From the Tiger Army governor’s mansion of your right army, even if they have to dig three feet into the ground to find clues, you must immediately notify the three elders. They will rush in in the shortest time and kill the important enemy Lord British at that time. Then you will achieve great success!”

Jon Wu immediately said: “Grandpa Tianlin, don’t worry, Shutong will do his best this time. Not only will the entire Tiger Army be sent there, but General Yuan Shen and I will also immediately set off for Morocco to take over the command.” “.

Wu Tianlin warned: “Seize the time and notify all members of the Right Army Governor’s Office to immediately evacuate Naples and activate the reserve direction, moreover no matter what happens, there will be no other losses. Do you understand?”.

“Understood!” After Jon Wu finished speaking, he asked hesitantly: “Grandpa Tianlin….I….I want to ask you a question in private….”

Wu Tianlin said: “Tell me.”

Jon Wu looked at the wound on his left wrist and asked, “My hand… Is there a possibility of growing back?”

Wu Tianlin was silent for a moment and then said, “I once heard Master English mention a pill called Reshaping Pill, which can restore a person’s damaged body and regenerate broken limbs, but I have only heard of it and have never heard of it. “I have seen it.”

When Jon Wu heard about this kind of potion, he immediately became excited and said repeatedly, “Thank you, Grandpa Tianlin! Thank you, Grandpa Tianlin!”

He knew in his heart that it was basically impossible to make such a powerful potion with his own strength. However, since Master English mentioned this potion, there is a high probability that he can achieve it.

If you perform well in the future and repeatedly make extraordinary achievements, Master English can reward you with a reshaping pill, and at that time you will be able to return to normal. your hand

After hanging up Wu Tianlin’s phone with great gratitude, Jon Wu immediately said to Chavren Yuan: “The British Lord has ordered that all the cavalry guards that can be mobilized here be transferred to Morocco. You must immediately contact Sun Tongzhi and ask him to send all the Tiger Army troops to Morocco! Let’s go to Morocco to find out the enemy’s clues!

Chavren Yuan respectfully said: “Grand Governor, please wait a moment, your subordinates will inform you immediately!”

At this time, Charlie had already met Joseph Wan and the others.

In the dark night, everyone ran towards the food factory to arrive before dawn.

On the way, Charlie received a call from Duncan Li. On the phone, he told Charlie: “Mr. Wade, the vending machine we deployed in Nigeria captured a large-scale mobilization of personnel in the Nigerian oil fields, hundreds of people are heading to the airport.”

Charlie asked curiously: “So many people? There are only a few hundred Cavalry Guards there at most. Are they all sent?”

Duncan Li said: “The local airline has temporarily added two charter flights. The route has been requested, it will take off in an hour and a half, and the destination is Casablanca.”

Charlie smiled and said, “It seems that Victoria is a little impatient this time. She sent so many cavalry guards in such a short time, probably just to find out our whereabouts.”

“Yes,” Duncan Li said: “After they arrive, they will definitely start looking for clues in Duke Mining, but the Moroccan police will definitely arrive before them and start investigating, with the local police here, they will not be able to. I think it is impossible to reach the food factory area in less than 10 and a half days, by then we will have left here.”

After saying this, Duncan Li said again: “In addition, Artificial Intelligence has left some false clues in the monitoring system of the Casablanca port. If those clues can deceive them, then the direction of their investigation will be very different from our actual location. I am afraid that in the end the bamboo basket will be empty and everything will be in vain.”