Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7068

Hero Of Hearts The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7068

After hundreds of Cavalry Guards left their posts in Nigeria, Jon Wu, accompanied by Chavren Yuan, left by car.

However, Jon Wu and the Cavalry Guards were heading in the opposite direction, towards Abuja, the capital of Nigeria.

The reason why he wanted to go to Abuja was because Jon Wu felt that hundreds of Cavalry Guards were now playing their cards clearly and had definitely been exposed. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Cavalry Guards to attract their attention, Jon Wu took a long way from Abuja to Morocco.

But Jon Wu never expected that the vehicle he was driving would be captured by the vending machine since leaving the oil field, and would also fall into the scope of AI’s main surveillance.

It was at least six or seven hours from the oil fields to Abuja, and it was already morning when we arrived. Jon Wu began organizing an emergency evacuation of the Right Army Governor’s House on the way.

According to the normal workflow of Dudu Mansion, the basic conditions of one main station and two backup stations must be met, namely one main station and two backup stations.

Not all members of the Youjun Dudu House know about the backup station. Those who know about the proposal station are basically senior officials and confidants of the Youjun Dudu House.

Even Chavren Yuan didn’t know where the two backup stations were now.

The reason for strict confidentiality is to prevent internal problems.

Currently, the reserve stations of the Right Army Governor’s Palace are located in Spain and Lithuania. The former is close to the Strait of Gibraltar, and the latter is inland from the Baltic Sea.

After the emergency rotation begins, all work in the Right Army Governor’s Mansion will be temporarily stopped. Then the senior officials who know the reserve station branch will arrange everyone to leave immediately, but will not tell them where to go and how to get there until they arrive at the new station.

Jon Wu just looked at the map and decided to move the Right Army Governor’s Palace to Lithuania because it was the farthest from Morocco, the land of right and wrong in Morocco through the Strait of Gibraltar. It can be reached in an hour, which is equivalent to reaching the fire with a stick.

But then I thought about it, and it didn’t seem right to choose Lithuania. When the time comes, I will report it to the English lord, and the English lord will know at a glance what his motive was for choosing Lithuania.

He had no choice but to leave Lithuania and inform the Wu family’s confidants to immediately prepare to move the entire Right Army Governor’s Mansion to Spain.

At the same time, Wu Tianlin also reported Jon Wu’s decision to Victoria, telling Victoria: “Mr. Ying, Shutong has decided to go to Morocco to do meritorious service and vowed to find clues to the enemy.”

Victoria raised her eyebrows and said, “Since he’s gone, tell the three elders to get ready and leave for Morocco tomorrow.”

Wu Tianlin asked him: “Mr. Ying, didn’t you ask the three elders to wait for news in Nigeria? Why did you send them at this time?”

Victoria said: “I’m afraid we can’t attract the opponent with hundreds of valiant cavalry guards and tiger tame troops. The opponent has just defeated us once in Morocco, and he won’t take the risk of just killing a few valiant cavalry guards and tiger tame troops. However, Jon Wu won’t do that if he goes there.”

It was the same, he was the Grand Governor of the Right Army Governor’s Mansion. If the other party knew that he had left, they would probably leave. couldn’t help but attack him and asked the three elders to follow him secretly. Not only would they have the chance to kill the enemy with one strike, but they could also protect Jon Wu’s safety.”

Wu Tianlin knew that the English master planned to use Jon Wu as bait. In the current situation, the opponent won the first battle, so they naturally had no intention of fighting. Unless a very valuable target appeared, they would want to pursue victory. From this point of view, Jon Wu was indeed a good bait.

In addition, there were three elders secretly guarding him, so that Jon Wu would not be in danger, so Wu Tianlin immediately said: “God is wise! I will send an order to the three elders!”

When Jon Wu arrived at Abuja Airport, he did not know that even before he got out of the car, the vehicle he was in was already under surveillance by a large number of vending machines at Abuja Airport.

In order to get to Casablanca as soon as possible, Jon Wu ordered someone to charter a business jet in advance and wait at Abuja Airport. It was already morning when he arrived at the VIP Hallway airport with Chavren Yuan, and went to the VIP terminal to go through security.

Currently, at Abuja Airport, although vending machines cannot reach one every three steps, they can at least reach at least one vending machine every thirty meters.

The monitoring equipment in this vending machine uses a wide-angle ultra-definition lens, which basically achieves a 180-degree shooting angle. In addition, the lens is placed against the wall, so there is no blind spot monitoring down from the car, all the way to the departure gate under surveillance.

At this time, Charlie and everyone also rushed to the food factory before dawn.

Duncan Li, the other knight guards, and the dead soldiers had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Duncan Li, Charlie asked him: “Inspector Li, is everything okay here?”

“Okay, Mr. Wade!” Duncan Li introduced: “Mr. Wade, these dead soldiers and knight guards are very disciplined. You can’t hear any sound from outside, and you can’t see any flaws. I have set up secret guards around, and so far there has been no discovery. Suspicious people are approaching.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said, “We will evacuate one by one starting tonight. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, we will try to evacuate all of Morocco within five days.”

Duncan Li said: “Five days should not be a problem, but Mr. Wade, AI has just given an early warning. It used our vending machine to catch two suspicious people who detoured from the Nigerian base to Abuja and boarded a bus from Abuja.” A business jet bound for Casablanca.”

Charlie asked curiously: “Didn’t all the Nigerian Cavalry fly directly from Lagos to Casablanca? These two people chose to stay far away, maybe they don’t want to be discovered by us, right?”

Duncan Li nodded and said, “That’s what I speculated too.”

As he spoke, he took out his phone, opened a high-definition photo of Jon Wu and Chavren Yuan’s faces taken at Abuja Airport, and said, “Look, it’s these two people.”

Charlie took it and looked at it, then handed it to Song Ruyu who was standing aside, and asked her, “Does Miss Song know these two people?”

Song Ruyu took a closer look and said in surprise: “These… these two are the Governor and General Yuan of the Right Army Governor’s Mansion…”

When Charlie heard that he was the Grand Governor, he was immediately interested and immediately said: “Tell me in detail.”

Song Ruyu pointed to Jon Wu in the photo and explained: “This is Governor-General Jon Wu, and the other is Chavren Yuan, a staff member of the Right Army Governor’s Mansion. Chavren Yuan is the Governor’s confidant.”

Charlie said in surprise: “Jon Wu actually came to Morocco in person. It seems that he wants to supervise the army on the spot.”

Song Ruyu said: “Mr. Wade has caused such a big commotion, and the Commander-in-Chief will definitely not be able to escape the blame. At this time, coming to supervise the army in person can be considered a show of sincerity to the British Lord.”

Hero Of Hearts Complete Novel