Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7069

Hero Of Hearts The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Hero Of Hearts Chapter 7069

A normal person, even if he wears a long-sleeved shirt, can’t always hide his left hand in his sleeve. However, Charlie saw many photos of Jon Wu extracted by AI and found that Jon Wu’s left hand was never hidden in his sleeve, which made people a little surprised.

Song Ruyu also came to see and said in confusion: “Strange, the Governor has never been like this before. It feels like there is something wrong with his hand and he doesn’t want people to see it.”

Duncan Li on the side frowned and said, “Could it be that his left hand is missing? I saw him walking normally, accidentally shrinking his left shoulder and left arm. His symmetrical right hand looked normal, but his left hand was not exposed at all. This is definitely impossible.”

Song Ruyu muttered: “It shouldn’t be. I met the Governor a few days ago. Before he left for Nigeria, I didn’t see anything strange at that time. Moreover, he has three elders in charge of Nigeria, so it’s impossible to meet him.” In danger, I lost my left hand.”

Duncan Li said: “But based on my experience and seen from the video, his left hand should be missing.”

Charlie said calmly: “His left hand is gone. It may not be because we are in danger. It may be because we took Duke Mining away. Victoria is very angry and must find someone to take responsibility. As the right army commander, he is the first to take responsibility, with Victoria’s behavior, will be able to take advantage of it by cutting off his left hand.”

Song Ruyu exclaimed: “This… can’t you blame the Governor? It was the intention of the British Lord to set a trap in Nigeria. The Governor was also ordered to go to Nigeria. There was a problem at Duke Mining. How can you blame the Governor……”

Duncan Li smiled and said: “In any group, as long as there is a big problem in business, someone has to take responsibility. You can’t let the group leader take responsibility, right?”

Song Ruyu couldn’t help but feel a chill down her spine. She had spent two years in the Right Army Governor’s Mansion and had a better understanding of the causes and consequences, but if Jon Wu really lost his left hand because of this incident, she found it too unreasonable.

Charlie said at this time: “A chief governor of the Right Army Governor’s Mansion suddenly had his left hand cut off. I think he must be very upset. Maybe he can take this opportunity to make a fuss in the future.”

Duncan Li thought of something and said quickly: “Mr. Wade, since Jon Wu is coming to Morocco, can we find a chance to control him?”

Charlie thought for a moment and said: “Whether we can touch him depends on whether the three Nigerian elders have left. If they haven’t left, then Jon Wu is the bait. Regardless of whether they have this intention or not, there are more than 10,000 people waiting. Let’s evacuate safely, it’s best not to have any contact with him for now.”

Saying that, Charlie added: “We are not in a hurry to contact Jon Wu. It won’t be long before all international airports around the world will be covered by our vending machines.

They may not have the same brand or the same operating company, but they will ultimately be covered by Our vending machines.”

All monitoring data will be uploaded to our AI system in real time. At that time, as long as Jon Wu goes abroad, he will be exposed to our sight for the first time. If we want to contact him, there will be many opportunities in the future.”

Moroccan time that morning.

Hundreds of Knights have flown to Casablanca.

Arriving with them were more than 300 tiger soldiers from the Right Army Governor’s Palace.

The Huben Army is the true direct descendant of the great governors. Those who can join the Huben Army must have the lowest cultivation level and reach the Great Perfection of the Light Realm, while most of them are warriors who have successfully entered the Dark Realm. .

Master Joseph Wan once volunteered to join the Huben Army to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation.

Jon Wu arrived later than these people. After arriving, he and Chavren Yuan went straight from the airport to Moore Trading headquarters.

In order to unify the placement, Jon Wu had asked everyone to gather at Moore Trading headquarters after landing.

Moore Trading has been assisting Duke Mining in the import and export of materials for many years. It is also a liaison between Duke Mining and the Right Army Governor’s House. as well as another for the storage of imported and exported materials.

Office buildings and warehouses are integrated, forming a separate yard. Although the area of ​​the office building is not large, the area of ​​the warehouse is tens of thousands of square meters of the outside world, they are also involved in normal import and export trade.

Nearly a thousand people came to Moore’s Trade in broad daylight, which was indeed a bit too conspicuous, but Jon Wu didn’t care and didn’t remind them to pay attention to disguise, because in his opinion, since he was a famous brand, there was no need to keep it secret. The place instantly lost its value.

Now that Duke Mining was no more, it made sense that everyone here should gather to kill them all, completely cutting off all leads to the Moroccan line.

But this time it was different from what happened in Cyprus, at that time in Cyprus, the enemy disappeared without a trace and most likely fled by sea.

Therefore, the Warriors Den Association did not track Charlie’s clues and whereabouts and now Victoria can’t stand it anymore. She vows to find Charlie’s trail in Morocco, so Moore’s trade still has value for now.

Although there is still some use value, in Jon Wu’s view, there is only one mission left here. Regardless of whether clues can be found or not, after this incident is over, the Moorish trade is unnecessary or impossible to continue. exists, so it is impossible for the time being. Too lazy to pretend anymore.

Dong Mingchao, the special envoy of Moore’s trade, was very worried at this time. Seven or eight hundred people came one after another throughout the morning. After these people arrived, they all went to the warehouse to queue spectacularly.

His deputy nervously asked him in a low voice: “Sir, these people came to our place openly in broad daylight. Isn’t this too reckless? If someone sees it, won’t our place be exposed?”

“Hit?” Dong Mingchao smiled bitterly: “The houses have collapsed, so why do you need an empty door in front of the ruins? In other words, if the houses are gone, what is the use of an empty door?”

The deputy immediately understood what he meant and quickly asked him: “What will the higher-ups do for us?”

Dong Mingchao shook his head and said: “I can’t be sure. Right now, we are required to cooperate with them and look for clues about those people. After this incident, we may be transferred or executed, but it is absolutely impossible to continue staying here.”

“Execution?!” The deputy suddenly panicked and said, “We didn’t do anything wrong, so we won’t be executed, right?”

Dong Mingchao said anxiously: “Who can say this well? The organization has always been ruthless in doing things, and the secrets between stations are very well protected.

Even if other stations were destroyed, it would be difficult for us to find out, but if we were assigned to another station, it would be tantamount to revealing the secret of Duke Mining’s destruction to the other stations.

The deputy hurriedly said: “But now they are carrying out a large-scale exchange of blood, aren’t they afraid that the exchanged Cavalry Guards will also exchange the secrets of each station?”

Dong Mingchao asked: “What secrets were exchanged? Where are each other’s stations? Is it meaningful? It’s impossible to leave there even if they were exchanged. What’s the use of knowing the locations of the ten stations outside? Their personal freedom is strictly controlled, there is no contact with the outside world at all, are you afraid that they will leak the secret?”

Therefore, Dong Mingchao added: “Moreover, these people’s families are in other locations. Even if there is a possibility of leaking the organization’s secrets, they would never dare.”

After saying this, Dong Mingchao paused for a moment and said sadly: “We are different. We know everything that happened in Duke Mining. This kind of news must not be spread within the organization. It will greatly affect the morale and influence of the military. The authority of the organization, if I were the leader of England, I would not allow a group of people to bring their own scandals to other places…”

The deputy turned pale with fright and exclaimed: “Sir, what should we do now?! We can’t just sit here and wait for death, right?”

Dong Mingchao asked: “Apart from sitting still and waiting for death, do you have any other good ideas?”

The deputy immediately fell silent. He also knew that in this situation, they had no power to resist at all.

Dong Mingchao sighed: “No matter how you look at it, the people from Duke Mining are the luckiest. They were rescued with their families before the great change. As long as they avoid this wave of searches, they can sit back and relax!”

The deputy couldn’t help but say: “Why don’t we have such luck…”

As soon as he finished speaking, one of his subordinates ran quickly and said nervously through the door: “Your Excellency the Special Envoy! The Governor is here!”

Hero Of Hearts Complete Novel