Hero Of Hearts 6599

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6599

However, he didn’t dare to admit it at this time, so he lied: “Baby, it’s actually not what you think…

During that time, Charlie and I almost turned Aurous Hill upside down to find you. ,

how could “It’s okay!

I have time to meet the others!

If you don’t believe me, you can ask Charlie directly when you get to the airport!”

Jacob believes that Charlie will definitely help him cover up his lie.

However, he was also present when he went to pick up Meiqing Han.

He knew what was going on and would definitely not let it slip.

Unexpectedly, Elaine Ma was not led by him at this time, but said coldly: “Why would I ask you?

If I want to ask, I will ask Meiqing Han!

Isn’t he getting married?

Okay! At the wedding today, I went to the wedding venue in person and asked her why she wanted to seduce my husband, Elaine Ma!”

Jacob turned pale with fright!

If Elaine Ma went to Meiqing Han and Pollard Watt’s wedding to cause trouble, and Meiqing Han’s son was there, and maybe some old classmates were there,

won’t the secret be revealed soon?

What’s more, if Elaine Ma really makes a big fuss at the wedding banquet,

then he would no longer be embarrassed to wander around Aurous Hill from now on.

If he couldn’t survive in Aurous Hill and couldn’t stay at home, wouldn’t he have no choice but to leave?

Jacob, who was very nervous, could only plead: “Baby, believe me this time!

We won’t say anything, just talk about the fact that they are getting married.

Nothing is possible between me and him.” !

You can tell from this that I’m innocent!”

Elaine Ma said angrily: “If Meiqing Han came back when I was arrested, it would have been a long time ago! “

It’s time, you’ll be fine!

Maybe you two got together when I was arrested, and you wanted to divorce me but I didn’t agree, and then he married someone else!”

Jacob’s heart trembled with fear: “Elaine Ma was possessed by Sherlock Holmes?

Doesn’t this solve the case?”

Seeing Jacob not speaking, Elaine Ma immediately asked, “This strengthens his speculation.

He immediately became furious and angrily tore the bars on Jacob’s body while cursing:

” Okay! Looking at your posture, you really got me right, didn’t you?

Jacob, you heartless bastard!

I was bullied by your mother and Wendy in the detention center, and my leg was broken.

You’re very good!

He actually had sex with Meiqing Han outside!

Listen, I won’t rip your face off!

Then I will pluck out both your eyeballs! “

After saying that, Elaine Ma went crazy and beat Jacob desperately.

Jacob only felt burning pain everywhere on his face.

He was so devastated that he was about to open the car door and run away when suddenly sirens sounded behind him.

Then, a voice came from the loudspeaker:

“What’s Cullinan doing on that front?!

Who told you to stop on the highway?!

Immediately pull over to the emergency lane!”

As soon as Jacob heard the police coming, whether it was civil police or traffic police, he immediately opened the car door and ran out.

When he saw the police car roaring behind him, he immediately ran towards the police car. , crying loudly while running: “Comrade police Help!”

The traffic police immediately stopped in front of him, stepped forward and asked, “What happened?!”

Jacob cried and said: “My wife wants to gouge my eyeballs out…”

“Your wife?” The traffic cop frowned and asked subconsciously, “Did you two stop and fight on the highway?”

Jacob said sadly: “He hit me, but I didn’t fight back…”

At this time, Elaine Ma also opened the car door and ran out, shouting at the traffic police: “Comrade police, don’t listen to this bastard’s nonsense.

He cheated on his old girlfriend and cheated on me!

I will fight with him!”

The traffic police didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and said with a cold face:

“You really consider the road your home, don’t you?

If you don’t want your life, other drivers will!”

After that, he looked at Jacob and said: “Bring the car keys here, our colleague will help you drive the car to the traffic police station.

You two follow my car and go to the station to receive punishment!”