Heroes of heart chapter 4577

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Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4577

It was then that he decided to do everything possible to return to Gerard Liu’s side.

Fortunately, after he returned, Gerard Liu accepted him back despite his previous suspicions,

and even married her openly and honestly after the death of her real partner.

For the next 20 years, he has enjoyed the best of everything in this world, just as he was then.

However, Hogan Chen was still empty deep in his heart that couldn’t be filled.

However, the more realistic Bella Fang understands the truth: some vacancies actually cannot be filled.

However, it was precisely because of this vacancy that when he found out that Hogan Chen would be sent back,

and even as many people prepared to take his life, he still couldn’t take it,

so he rushed to Gerard Liu aggressively for an explanation.

However, he overestimated his status in Gerard Liu’s mind.

It also underestimated Hogan Chen’s hatred in Gerard Liu’s mind.

The slap on his face made him panic for a while.

Because he was afraid of losing everything around him.

So, he hastily explained to Gerard Liu:

“Gerard…don’t get me wrong…I really didn’t mean anything…I just…”

Gerard Liu said coldly,

“Do not say that! I don’t wanna hear what you mean,

I just wanted to let you know that you must not mention anything related to Hogan Chen’s three words

in front of me in the future, otherwise you will go as far as you want!”

Bella Fang was terrified.

He knew that although Gerard Liu liked him and had a strong possessive attitude towards himself,

he was always wary of himself.

Even though she was married to him, she had always been isolated from him in terms of assets.

Before Gerard Liu married him,

he had made himself sign an agreement to voluntarily surrender all the common property of husband and wife.

Therefore, as long as Gerard Liu divorced her, she had no choice but to leave the house.

So, in tears, he said to Gerard Liu,

“Gerard, I was wrong… You can rest assured… I will never anger you again in the future…”

Gerard Liu nodded expressionlessly and said coldly,

“Mrs. Han still has to wait for you.”

Bella Fang said quickly,

“Yes… Madam Han is still waiting for me at the racetrack… Gerard, then I’ll go first.

What do you want to eat in the evening, I will ask the waiter.

to prepare it for you beforehand.”

“No need.” Gerard Liu waved his hand:

“I’m a little upset right now, and I want to be alone.”

Bella Fang said in fear,

“Okay… Then I’ll go first…”

After speaking, he turned around quickly and left in a panic….the next day.

New York morning. When Claire opened her eyes, Charlie was still sleeping soundly beside her.

He had no idea that Charlie left alone last night and didn’t return until almost dawn.

After getting up, he asked the hotel’s food and beverage department to bring breakfast.

Just as Charlie came out of the room, he asked with a smile,

“How was your sleep, my husband?”

“Good.” Charlie smiled and answered casually.

In fact, he didn’t sleep at all, just lying on the bed, thinking about things related to the mysterious organization.

Claire greeted him and said,

“Breakfast is here, come and eat!”

Charlie nodded, and as the two of them sat down at the dinner table, a video of Elaine Ma was sent to Claire.

As soon as the video appeared, Claire looked at Elaine Ma in the video and asked with a smile,

“Mom, why did you post the video so early?”

Elaine Ma frowned, cried to Claire, and said,

“Claire… I miss you so much…

You have no idea how lonely Mom was at home after you and Charlie left. ,

I really don’t want to stay in this house alone even for a moment…”