Hero Of Heart 4586

Hero Of Heart 4586 read novels online for free

Charlie Wade Charismatic Chapter 4586

After agreeing with Claire to go to Hong Kong Island, Charlie calls Joseph.

Immediately after the call was made, Joseph asked on the other end of the phone, “Mr. Wade, have you discussed this with your wife? I was wondering if you could come to help?”

Charlie said, “I’ve discussed it with my wife. , you are also lucky, it just so happens that my mother-in-law just arrived in the United States, you can help me take care of my wife, otherwise I really can’t go there to help you.”

Joseph hastily said: “Very good! Mr. Wade, you Depend on the right time for you, I will arrange a business jet from the United States to send you!”

Charlie dodged: “There’s no need for a business jet, I just bought a ticket.”

Joseph said, “If you come here on a connecting flight, , it will take at least 20 hours or even longer, and it may not be possible to buy a plane ticket at the earliest, or a business jet sooner!”

Charlie muttered: “That’s right, it’s urgent now, the sooner the better. That’s okay, then you have to work hard to arrange the plane, and I can leave tomorrow morning. .”

“Okay!” Joseph said without hesitation, “Then I will arrange it, you can take off at eight in the morning local time, right?”

“No Question!”

Joseph said excitedly: “That’s great, Mr Wade! I’ll pick you up at the airport!”

Charlie said, “Then let’s meet on Hong Kong Island!”

After that, Charlie and Joseph said. After saying goodbye, after hanging up the phone, he said to Claire: “Wife, this client’s house situation is more urgent, and I may leave early tomorrow.”

Claire said with a reluctant and slightly depressed expression: “Early in the morning. Too hard to catch. an airplane…”

Charlie smiled and said, “Nothing more than getting up early, no hard work. This client seems very strong.

He said he would arrange a business jet for me.

The next morning, I will fly directly to Hong Kong Island from here and sleep all the way there. ”

Elaine Ma on the side heard Charlie talking about the business jet, and quickly said:

“Yes, yes! The business jet is very comfortable! That person, if he wants to sit on the single sofa at the front, he can massage, heat and ventilate. ,

go to the back room to sleep when you are tired, the big bed is more comfortable than the bed at home!

Besides, the stewardess above her house is great!”

Claire couldn’t help but say: “Mom, no. I’ve been on a business jet once, and I say it as if I’ve been on a plane with you. ..”

Elaine Ma knew that she had said something wrong, and quickly changed her tone:

“See what you said, Mom never ate pork and never saw a pig running?

You can always see pictures of people boarding private planes. TV, and it’s like a luxury hotel room, as comfortable as possible.”

Claire shook her head helplessly, and turned to Charlie, “Husband, then I’ll drop you off at the airport tomorrow morning.”

Charlie didn’t refuse, nodded and said, “Okay, the hardworking wife will drive.”