Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6830

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6830

Both Jimmy and Knight are happy and sign a ten year work contract.

Jimmy was happy because even though he was going to China to work for Charlie for ten years, fortunately Knight could still give him an annual salary of 14 million US dollars. Even if he could only get 30% of it, the lucky one would still get 400 US dollars. More than 10,000 yuan was enough to meet the normal expenses of a family.

And Knight was glad because he didn’t know what the ten-year deal meant. He just felt like Steve Rothschild’s hurdle was over.

It would be even better if Jimmy could help him get closer to Rothschild in the next ten years.

As a result, both parties happily completed the signing and exchanged mutually signed contracts.

Then Jimmy stood up and said: “I just got off the plane and came to the company without thinking about going home. My family is still waiting for me. Since the contract has been signed, I will go back first. Tomorrow I will Come to work on time.

Jimmy didn’t mean to tell Knight the truth now. He needed to get the contract notarized first to ensure that all his rights and interests were protected and he had no concerns before he could fight Knight.

Knight doesn’t realize that there is a big trap behind Jimmy. When he saw that Jimmy was leaving for work tomorrow, he hurriedly said with concern: “Jimmy, it must be very difficult for you to come back from such a long journey. Why not rest at home for a few more days?” These days are considered additional approved and paid leave. Once you have rested and adjusted, you can return to work at the company.”

Jimmy said without thinking: “How can this be embarrassing? After all, the company treats me well, and I will definitely not let the company down.”

Knight was quite satisfied with his professional attitude and praised: “Jimmy, if you have this attitude, I am sure your future at Ellis will be limitless!”

Jimmy nodded and said with a half smile: “Take good care of me in the next ten years.”

“Don’t worry!” Knight nodded: “I will definitely fight for more benefits for you in the future. I hope you can become the highest paid lawyer in the United States in the future!”

Jimmy said hypocritically, “I will try my best.”

Knight patted him on the shoulder and asked: “By the way, Jimmy, since you have a good relationship with Mr. Rothschild, could you invite him to come to the company someday to sit down and chat together?”

Jimmy said: “Well… honestly, it might be uncomfortable. Mr. Rothschild is still in China and he may not return for a while.”

Knight smiled and said: “No problem, I know he is in China, otherwise you will not meet each other. I mean, after Mr. Rothschild comes back to America, you can make a deal with him.”

Jimmy suddenly had an idea and said: “How about this? Our law firm will go on a vacation together at the end of the year? Why don’t we arrange for all the board members and senior partners to go to China together? I will do it. I will definitely make an appointment with Mr. Rothschild to meet you. When we have an internal meeting, I will definitely find a way to invite him to participate.”

Knight was a little surprised and asked: “The company welfare holiday is to go out to have fun. Isn’t it strange to have a meeting while out having fun?”

Jimmy said: “You don’t understand this. Traveling for meetings is a very popular model for Chinese companies. Set aside three to five days, choose a place with a beautiful view, and let the core staff go on vacation together to hold meetings. Not only this allows the core layer to enjoy the outing and makes them feel that the company pays special attention to them. Taking the team out for meetings not only ensures their sense of superiority, but also ensures that mid- and low-level employees are not impacted. the meeting. Content is more conducive to core team unity.”

After saying that, Jimmy added: “This method is not called team vacation in China, it is called team building, and it is called team building.”

When Knight heard this, his eyes lit up and he sighed: “That sounds interesting. Team building… um… not bad, this is very good!”

After that, he asked Jimmy: “Are you sure that when we go to China to build the team, you will be able to invite Mr. Rothschild to the meeting?”

Jimmy patted his chest and promised: “One hundred percent, let’s go straight to Aurous Hill. Mr. Rothschild is there. I’ll contact him when we get there.”

Knight immediately perked up. Steve Rothschild is the number two figure in the Rothschild family. He was truly inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people to think about.

The reason why Jimmy suddenly decided to lure Knight and the core team to Aurous Hill was mainly because he couldn’t get Knight to be willing to give up ten senior partners and pay for them himself for the next ten years.

For this to finally come to fruition, it still depends on Steve’s influence.

Since Steve is ultimately needed to pull the trigger, it’s better to just pull the team and let him pull the trigger.

When Steve comes to deal with this problem directly, Knight will probably be more devastated, and he will be able to move forward more smoothly.

Moreover, I still really hated Knight, so this was the perfect opportunity to take revenge and attack him.

But Knight didn’t know this.

He only knew that Jimmy had promised himself that as long as he went to China, he could meet Steve Rothschild. It was amazing that he could meet Steve, let alone go to China, even though he was willing to circle the earth once.

Then he exchanged glances with several other council members.

Everyone’s eyes were full of anticipation for Jimmy’s proposal.

So, Knight waved his hand and said proudly: “In this way, the company will provide a wallet machine, and all the board members and senior partners will gather at JFK Airport tomorrow morning with their passports, and everyone will fly to Aurous Hill to form a team building!”

After that, he said to the female manager next to him: “Mandy, you will tell me later that all senior partners must participate in this team building, and no one is allowed to ask for permission!”

Mandy nodded: “Okay boss, I will send an email to tell everyone later.”

Knight added: “By the way, please notify the administration department and confirm the charter flight tonight. We will charter the biggest and best planes!”

Mandy said, “No problem, I’ll arrange it.”

Nate looked at Jimmy: “Jimmy, you just came back, is it okay to leave tomorrow?”

Jimmy smiled: “You have everything arranged. I have to deal with my problems.”

Afterwards, he added: “Now that it’s settled, I’ll go home immediately and finish the things that need to be done. I will meet you all at the airport tomorrow morning.”

“Okay!” Nate couldn’t hide his excitement and said, “Hurry back and take care of things at home. Later, when the charter flight departure time has been determined, I will ask Mandy to tell you the specific information. Let’s meet at the airport tomorrow morning!”

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