Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6832

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6832

Jimmy sighed: “It’s such a long story…”

Immediately, he told his wife the entire process of the trip to Aurous Hill without reservation.

The wife was first stunned, then turned pale, and even covered her heart at the critical moment, for fear that Steve Rothschild would not let them go.

When she heard that her husband would eventually have to go to China to work for Meiqing Han for ten years, she no longer felt angry, and the rest was just the joy of surviving a disaster.

Everyone knows what will happen if you offend the Rothschild family, it is truly death without burial.

It is a blessing among misfortunes to experience a situation like this now.

He couldn’t control his anger towards Nate Ellis, and gritted his teeth and said: “That bastard Nate is simply not human. He deliberately dug a hole for you to step in. He is simply a beast!”

Jimmy comforted: “It’s okay, don’t worry about him. I will go to China tomorrow. He’ll make it easier. I predict that in the next ten years, it will be difficult for Ellis to make a profit. The income of the eleven of us will probably require Nai in the end.” He paid for it out of his own pocket. Ten years later, he will probably be poor.”

The wife nodded and gritted her teeth and said, “He deserves it! I just want to sentence him to death!”

After that, she looked at Jimmy and said seriously: “Husband, you don’t need to worry. After this disaster, we will remain humble and do things in a down-to-earth manner. My sister-in-law is my sister-in-law, and I will definitely not embarrass you maliciously.”

Jimmy nodded and said, “I think so too. After all, we can take home four million US dollars from Knight a year, which is enough for our family expenses.”

My wife said: “The children are grown up, and I don’t need to stay in the United States. When you settle down in China, I will go to China to accompany you!”

When Jimmy heard this, he felt very relieved, and he was so moved that he said: “Thank you, my wife!”

A few hours later.

It was morning in Aurous Hill.

Charlie got up early to make breakfast, and his wife Claire also got up early, and rushed to the company after breakfast.

Charlie had nothing to do, and when he hesitated about going to the Purple Mountain Villa and Champs Elysees Hot Springs, Paul called him.

Over the phone, Paul reports his uncle Jimmy’s plans to Charlie and asks Charlie for advice.

Charlie didn’t expect Jimmy to drag his boss and colleagues as soon as he returned to the United States, but he knew Jimmy’s intentions in doing this.

After all, Jimmy was a humble person in front of his boss. Even if he holds the Shangfang sword given by Steve, he may not be able to kill him so happily let Steve kill him directly.

For Charlie, it was Jimmy and his gang who were following this matter, so he just waited and watched the good show in Aurous Hill.

Immediately, he said to Paul: “Let them come and tell Jimmy to pick a hotel for their team to stay at Buckingham Palace. When they had a meeting at Buckingham Palace, I would go there with Steve and bring ten senior All partners to stay.”

“Okay, Mr. Wade.” Paul said respectfully, “That’s what I would say to him.”

It was dark in the United States at this time, and Jimmy was packing his luggage while anxiously waiting for a call back from Paul.

He felt that Charlie wouldn’t mind his decision, but he still felt a little unsure.

Soon, Paul called, and he and his wife became nervous. Jimmy immediately answered the phone and asked him: “Paul, have you contacted Mr. Wade?”

Paul said: “Uncle Jimmy, I have contacted Mr Wade. It means you can leave at any time. Remember to stay at the Buckingham Palace Hotel. When you have a meeting, he will go there with Mr. Rothschild.”

“Good!” Jimmy said excitedly: “We will leave tomorrow morning, and coincidentally the next morning we arrived at Aurous Hill local time. Then we will go straight to Buckingham Palace!”

“Okay.” Paul said, “Let me know when you’re settled in, so I can say hello to Mr. Wade and let Mr. Wade know when it would be a better time to see you.”

“No problem!” Jimmy replied happily: “I’ll report to you as soon as I arrive!”

The next morning, a chartered Boeing 777 flight departed from John F. Kennedy Airport in New York.

None of the core members of the Ellis Law Firm were absent. They all boarded the plane and flew to China happily under the leadership of their boss, Nate Ellis.

The happiest person among them was the boss Knight himself. He was so excited that he couldn’t open his mouth from ear to ear, and the muscles on his face were slightly stiff from the uncontrollable smile.

The reason why Knight was so happy was that before the plane took off, Jimmy personally assured him that Steve Rothschild would definitely attend their meeting.

After receiving Steve’s promise that he would definitely attend, Knight was so excited he wanted to jump on the plane.

For him, this feeling was like a village in America that was planning to hold a meeting of village representatives, but suddenly heard that the vice president had come to attend the meeting.

Right now, he was looking at Jimmy like a licking dog looking at a goddess. The more he looked at her, the happier he became and the more he looked at her, the more he looked at her.

If it weren’t for his normal sexual orientation, he really wanted to hold Jimmy’s old face and kiss him hard.

And he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: “Unexpectedly, Jimmy turned out to be my greatest blessing in so many years of entrepreneurship! As long as I can build a certain foundation of friendship with Steve Rothschild this time, wouldn’t it be a bright future for me in the future? Infinite?! At that time, what does a mere law firm mean? Even if I want to run for parliament, the Rothschild family can definitely help me realize my wish, and I will be able to quit business and join politics!”

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