Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6833

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6833

After more than ten hours of flying, the elites from Ellis Law Firm finally landed in Aurous Hill.

In order to mobilize everyone’s enthusiasm during the boring flight, Knight Ellis specially informed everyone that the famous Steve Rothschild would attend Ellis’ internal meeting.

This immediately gets everyone excited except Jimmy.

Of course, Jimmy was in a good mood too, but it was more like the excitement of waiting to see a good show.

When the group landed in Aurous Hill, they had contacted a high-end pick-up company and arranged three Coasters to take the group to Buckingham Palace.

As soon as he checked in, Knight couldn’t help himself and wanted to meet Steve Rothschild as soon as possible.

So he came to Jimmy’s door, knocked on the door, and said to Jimmy: “Jimmy, wouldn’t it be easier for you to contact Mr. Rothschild as soon as possible? We only did this one official thing in Aurous Hill this time. After that, everything. You can relax and enjoy a few days in Aurous Hill!

Jimmy was a little surprised and asked him: “Are you so anxious? We just landed not long ago, and everyone hasn’t recovered from the jet lag yet.”

Knight said: “The time difference is not an issue. Our meeting won’t last long. I estimate it will only take an hour at most. The most important thing is that Mr. Rothschild came and gave us instructions. I believe everyone can understand.”

Jimmy thought to himself, since you can’t wait to die, I might as well make it happen for you.

Once he thought about this, he said to Knight: “I will make an appointment with Mr. Rothschild now and see when the time is right.”

“Okay!” Knight said without hesitation: “The sooner the better!”

Seeing this, Jimmy immediately called Paul and asked him to help make an appointment with Charlie and Steve.

When Paul asked Charlie for instructions, Charlie was very straightforward and asked Jimmy to set a meeting time at three in the afternoon. Then he called Steve and said as soon as he arrived: “Steve, three in the afternoon ‘clock in the afternoon To Buckingham Palace, the people from Ellis Law Firm are here.

Steve asked in surprise: “Mr. Wade, why did they come to Aurous Hill? Didn’t they ask Jimmy to come back and fix this problem?”

Charlie said: “Jimmy brought people from America. It would be great if the problems in Aurous Hill were resolved. Selected people can stay immediately.”

Steve knew this and had to help Charlie intimidate Nate Ellis, so he said: “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, I will arrive at Buckingham Palace on time at three o’clock in the afternoon.”

After saying that, he asked Charlie: “Mr. Wade, would you like to come together this afternoon?”

Charlie hummed and said, “I was going to ask Paul to join me this afternoon, but you and Jimmy are the protagonists of this scene, and Paul and I are your followers at Aurous Hill.”

Steve said without thinking: “Yes Mr. Wade, I understand.”

When Paul informed Jimmy of Steve’s arrival at Buckingham Palace at three in the afternoon, he immediately relayed it to Knight.

Knight was so excited that he immediately asked his assistant to make an appointment with the Buckingham Palace manager for the afternoon meeting room, and called all employees to gather in the meeting room an hour earlier.

Before Steve arrived, Knight excitedly said to everyone: “In an hour, Mr. Steve Rothschild, the second in command of the Rothschild family, will arrive here to attend our meeting. Everyone, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us. We must cheer and show our most professional side to Mr. Rothschild!”

Everyone is very excited, and everyone is ready and eager to try it.

Then, Knight connected his laptop to the projector in the conference room. There was a PPT that he had prepared, specifically used to explain and introduce himself and the Ellis Law Firm that he founded left a deep impression on Steve.