Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6834

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6834

At this time, he invited everyone to look at the contents of the PPT, and he did not forget to remind everyone where the data had been beautified, so that everyone would not miss anything.

At two forty o’clock, while Knight was busy looking at the materials, Steve Rothschild had arrived at Buckingham Palace and arranged for someone to invite him to the VIP reception room, and he asked Paul Pick yourself up and arrive in ten minutes.

After the three of them met, Charlie said to Paul: “Paul, call your uncle and tell him we have arrived and ask him to come out to pick him up.”

“Yes, Mr. Wade.” Paul nodded respectfully, then called his uncle Jimmy.

When Jimmy heard that Charlie and Steve were both here, he immediately became energetic, interrupted Knight who was giving a PPT lecture, and said: “Boss, Rothschild and his two men are here, I will pick them up.”

Knight stood up with enthusiasm and said quickly: “Go and invite, hurry and invite! How about I come with you!”

Jimmy said: “They called me to pick them up, but they didn’t say they could bring anyone else. Boss, you’d better wait here. I will pick them up and come right away.”

Knight thought for a while and said: “Okay, go quickly, we will wait here!”

Jimmy got up and left the place, and was taken to the VIP room by the staff.

As soon as he entered the VIP room, Jimmy took the lead in bowing to Charlie and said: “Mr. Wade, I have brought all Ellis’ people. All senior partners have a hold on the Knight’s hand, and I have also got this hold. ” ”

Charlie nodded and said: “We will go in later. After you introduce Steve to your boss, you will find a chance to challenge your boss. The rest will be left to Steve.”

Steve smiled and said: “Mr Wade, don’t worry, you can definitely deal with such a person.”

Charlie smiled and said: “I don’t care how you deal with it, all I care about are these lawyers.”

As he spoke, he said to Paul: “Paul, take a good look at each lawyer’s resume and select the ten that are most useful to us. Once Changying Auto is on the right track, various obstacles and patent pitfalls will inevitably arise. If you experience this frequently, you should choose more lawyers who are experts in the field of intellectual property rights.”

Paul said respectfully: “Don’t worry, Mr. Wade, I have investigated Ellis’s senior partner list and have several good candidates. I will consider each one carefully when the time comes.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said with a smile, “Then I will go to the theater today, let’s go.”

Jimmy immediately made an inviting gesture and said: “Mr. Wade, Mister Rothschild, please come with me!”

A group of four people walked through the corridor and came to the door of the conference room. Jimmy didn’t knock on the door, but opened the door directly, then stood respectfully aside, waiting for Steve Rothschild, Charlie, and Paul. After entering the conference room, he followed behind and walked forward.

When Nate saw Steve, he stood up excitedly and came to greet him. His voice trembled and he said: “Mr. Rothschild, I am Nate Ellis, from Ellis Law Firm. Founder, it is an honor for me to meet you!”

Steve nodded lightly and introduced Paul and Charlie to him: “These two are Paul and Charlie. I work for Aurous Hill. You should know them too.”

Knight had competed with the Smith Law Firm for many years, so he naturally recognized Paul at a glance, and wondered to himself: “How could this Paul be Mr. Rothschild’s subordinate? Could the Smith Law Firm have done it? lead and compete with Rothschild?” Have you established a cooperative relationship, sir?”

Although confused, Knight still said very politely: “Paul, Mr. Wade, nice to meet you both.”

Charlie looked at him and smiled: “You are happy too early!”