Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6835

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6835

Hearing Charlie’s answer, Knight was slightly surprised for a moment.

He thought to himself: “What does this guy mean by what he said? Why am I so happy so early? This doesn’t sound like a good thing!”

Thinking that Charlie was Steve’s subordinate, Knight was worried that his words were inspired by Steve, so he hurriedly asked: “I wonder what Mr. Wade means by this?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Literally, Mr. Ellis, are you sure you are really happy to meet me?”

Although Knight was puzzled, he still said very politely: “Mr. Wade, you are Mr. Rothschild’s subordinate, and I admire Mr. Rothschild very much. If I have the opportunity to meet you, of course I will be very happy.” .”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile: “Don’t make premature conclusions about everything. You’d better wait half an hour before telling me whether you’re happy to know me or not.”

Knight was getting more and more confused, wondering why Charlie was targeting him, so he could only turn to Steve to see what his reaction was.

When Steve saw him looking at him, he immediately asked: “Ellis, right? What did you want to do when you asked Jimmy to invite me?”

Nate Ellis said quickly: “Mr. Rothschild, over the years, Ellis Law Firm has solved legal problems for your Rothschild family in several peripheral companies and collateral families, and I also admire the Rothschild family very much. I heard that you have friends with Jimmy, so I would like to ask you to come and participate in our high-level meeting and give us a chance to show our professional abilities in front of you.

Steve nodded, looked at Jimmy, and asked him: “Jimmy, if you were asked to objectively rate your boss and your law firm, what kind of rating would you give?”

Nate looked at Jimmy expectantly, expecting him to praise his company.

After all, he had just signed a guarantee agreement with him of more than ten million US dollars a year, and he could be regarded as his absolute sponsor. At this time, he will definitely support those sponsorship platforms.

But Nate never expected that when Jimmy heard this question, his expression immediately became very disdainful. He looked Nate up and down and said coldly: “Mr. Rothschild, my boss is a bastard. This company was founded by a bastard.” A company led by Qi is getting better?”

Nate never imagined that Jimmy, who had always been respectful and flattering to him, would suddenly fall out with him, and he would turn against him in front of a big man like Steve Rothschild. “Jimmy, what do you mean by that? I’ve been so nice to you, and it’s only been a day or two since I promoted you to company director, yet you call me a bastard?”

Jimmy sarcastically said: “When I called you trash, I insulted the word trash! Do you really think you can buy me with money?”

Knight immediately understood and thought to himself: “That’s bad! Jimmy, that bastard, must be very worried that I will frame him and leave evidence of his crimes! I thought I brought him to the board of directors and gave him a chance. “The additional option can shut his mouth. It seems that this guy’s appetite is not easily satisfied.”

Thinking of this, he immediately smiled at Jimmy and said: “Oh Jimmy, I know you still hold a grudge over what happened before, but to be honest, I don’t treat you lightly anymore. What’s the point of trying to weaken me now?” What does that mean?”

Jimmy snorted coldly: “I am destroying you now because I hope more people can see your true face!”

As he said that, he turned to look at the confused senior partners and said loudly: “Everyone, there is something I haven’t told you. Nate Ellis, this bastard, gave me something at his previous workplace. He set a trap and lured me into solving a common financial crime, but I kept it a secret for a long time. I only recently learned that the reason why he wanted to lure me into committing a crime was to secretly obtain evidence of my crime. Use this as blackmail against me.”

Knight was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat. He immediately grabbed Jimmy and pleaded in a low voice: “Jimmy, if you feel that the compensation I gave you is not enough, you can speak up and I can fight for more benefits for you, but if you expose me and make me unable to retreat, it will definitely be worse than yours!”

Jimmy said disdainfully, “What if I expose you? Even if I expose you, you still have to give me good food, and once I eat you, I will eat you for ten years!”

After that, he looked at everyone and continued: “Everyone, one by one of you senior partners, you should all have committed financial crimes. I believe you should be aware of this, and I can also explain it. Let me tell you, the evidence of your previous financial crimes has been left by this bastard Knight;”

“You are valuable to him, and he will use this evidence as a bargaining chip to blackmail you in the future, and as a time bomb buried next to you;”

“If you are worthless to him, he will immediately use this evidence to send you to prison and ruin the rest of your life!”

Knight quickly argued: “Don’t believe what Jimmy said. This guy is a white-eyed wolf who repays favors with revenge. I just signed a new option agreement with him before coming here. I have to pay him at least an additional ten million US dollars every year. But he turned around and accused me falsely in front of everyone. How can such a person be considered a human being, not even a scumbag.”

Jimmy laughed mockingly, looked at someone at the scene, and said, “Eric, you personally took over the divorce case of a famous golfer two years ago and helped his wife get 70 million US dollars from him. You have received US$7 million in assets. If according to the agreement you signed with the company, you have violated the non-competition clause. If you personally run a law-related business without the company’s permission, according to regulations, you must compensate the company for ten years. .multiply your income. In this case, as long as the company files a lawsuit in court, you will face a huge compensation of 70 million.

The man named Eric suddenly turned pale with fright.

The order he took personally was not a client of Ellis Law Firm, but was introduced by a friend who approached him directly.

Although he thought he had done his job perfectly, he did not expect Jimmy to actually accurately state the subject of the entire case and the identity of the other party. This is enough to prove that he has obtained the key evidence that he executed the non-competition agreement.

But how could he dare to admit it in front of his boss, so he could only pretend to be stupid and said: “Jimmy, what are you talking about, why don’t I understand?”

Jimmy said disdainfully, “Do you think I’m the only one who knows this secret? Let me tell you, this secret was told to me by Knight. The client who came to you to file a lawsuit was introduced to you secretly by him. He did this The purpose is to get all the evidence that you violated the agreement. You think you made 7 million, but in fact he has at least 70 million in the future, if you want to change jobs, or quit your job to start a business, he will use this evidence to If you are convicted, you will give him all the money you have earned over the years at Ellis, including the principal and interest!”

When the man heard that, he was stunned for a moment, while the others were shocked. They knew from the change in Eric’s expression that what Jimmy said was not baseless, which meant, Eric did just that.

And if what Jimmy said about Nate is true, then what Nate did was too cruel!

Knight was really panicking at this time. He looked at Jimmy and asked in a low voice: “Jimmy, what do you want? What’s the point of killing me?”

Jimmy sneered: “Nate, don’t worry, how can I kill you? Don’t forget, we just signed a ten year contract. I will rely on you to support me in the next ten years. Nobody expected more than I just did. “You can live well!”

Read: Hero Of Hearts Complete Novel