Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6836

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6836

Knight was shocked by Jimmy’s words and broke out in cold sweat, and he instantly understood the stakes.

He cursed angrily in his mind: “No wonder Jimmy signed the ten-year agreement so easily. It turns out he set me up!”

Angrily, he stared at Jimmy with a murderous glare and asked through gritted teeth: “Jimmy, what is in it for you to do this? If it affects the law firm’s performance and profits, your own income will also be greatly affected. Bastard, are you willing to break one of your arms in exchange for one of my legs?”

Jimmy smiled faintly and asked him: “We signed a basic salary agreement, regardless of the law firm’s income? You have to pay me a fixed amount of 14 million US dollars every year, so no matter how much you earn in the future, I am a part of the money is constant, so naturally I will not make it easy for you.”

At this time, Knight suddenly remembered that Jimmy, the bastard, did not accept the options he was given, but used the options to discount the annual cash dividend by 10 million.

My stupid self thought he was too narrow-minded and only saw what was in front of him, but now it seems like this guy is fully prepared!

Knight stared at Jimmy with eyes full of hatred and threatened: “Jimmy, I will not continue everything you just said, but I warn you, don’t continue to go against me, and don’t continue to reveal more secrets, otherwise I will never let you go!”

Knight knew full well that he was conned by Jimmy yesterday and sent him all the evidence he had about other people.

And Jimmy only said one of them. If he chose to say them all, these people would turn against him and consider him their greatest enemy.

Therefore, the top priority right now is to control Jimmy’s mouth and prevent it from spreading its negative impact.

This time, Steve looked at Nate and asked coldly: “If I heard correctly, did you just threaten my friend?”

“Ah? Your friend?” Knight was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said: “Mr Rothschild, you don’t know the secret behind this. He clearly tricked me! I just signed a ten-year contract with him before I came here. Annual agreement… ten years!”

Steve said calmly: “Don’t I know what you’re hiding here? Isn’t it because you deliberately found someone to create opportunities for Jimmy and other senior partners to make mistakes, and then used their influence to blackmail them? Since you’re already so dirty yourself, you can’t blame others for being cruel to you.”

After that, he looked at Jimmy and said loudly: “Jimmy, since you already know many secrets about your law firm, and now that most of the core members of your law firm are here, you might as well have a good chat with everyone. also know so that everyone can see the true face of Ellis Law Firm.”

“Okay!” Jimmy was waiting to add insult to injury. Seeing Steve say this, he immediately picked up the microphone on the conference table and started speaking.

Knight was so scared that he never thought that he originally planned to use this secret and the ten year contract to stabilize Jimmy, but Jimmy turned around and was about to expose himself and whip him to death if all the secrets were really exposed, these senior partners would be afraid. They will all hate themselves so much.

If they left their law firm, what would they do? Uncover all their secrets and catch them all? In this case, it will definitely cause a shock to the entire American legal industry, and everyone will avoid it, how will law firms operate in the future?

However, if they were just let go and everyone kept it a secret, it would be a huge loss for the law firm.

You know, many handles are obtained by directly sending them the finished case, which is equivalent to giving them money in exchange for the handle. If the handle is not used in the end, the money will be wasted.

At that time, both people and money will be lost, and the entire Ellis Law Firm will lose all its mainstays, resulting in huge losses.

So, he said to Jimmy in a pleading tone: “Jimmy, let’s work together. If there are any demands, you can tell me directly. There is no need to damage the internal unity of the law firm…”

Before Jimmy could speak, Eric, who had just been named by Jimmy, shouted loudly: “Jimmy, if you have any secrets related to everyone, please tell us together! If Nate really has control over each of us, we have to work together Unite and fight! Otherwise, if we are defeated one by one, everyone will die!”

Eric felt angry and scared at this time. Although the way Knight punished him was very shameless, the mistake was done by himself. It was like his wife deliberately found another woman to secretly share the family property to divorce The future is the same as having sex with her husband. Although this approach is indeed despicable, once a man really can’t control the temptation and has an affair with the woman, it will be a fact of infidelity. It can’t be washed away no matter how hard he washes it.

Therefore, his current thinking is very simple, he can hear it from the conversation Jimmy and Nate must have set a trap for himself The best way at this time is to let Jimmy tell other people’s stories, and everyone forms an alliance to advance and retreat together, so that they can be more confident in facing Knight.

Although the others were silent, they knew very well that since Knight was able to trap Eric, then none of the other senior partners could escape. In recent years, they have all been tempted, The behavior of taking orders personally or directly intercepting company orders. Although they are not sure which behavior is high risk, they can also guess that they definitely have something in Knight’s hands, so the top priority now is First find out how much risk you have. .

As a result, everyone spoke up.

Someone said: “Jimmy, since everyone is here, just tell me everything you know!”

“Yes, Jimmy! Eric is right, we have to move forward and backward together now!”

“Jimmy, don’t be afraid if you dare. With Mr. Rothschild here and us supporting you, no one will dare to do anything to you!”

Jimmy nodded, took the microphone, and said: “Since everyone is united, let me tell you what I know. What I want to explain to you first is that all the senior partners, including me, are all in the hands of Knight and the Board of Directors who can send him to prison!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s expressions became even more nervous.

Seeing that the matter had reached this point, Knight quickly explained weakly: “Don’t be fooled by Jimmy. I admit that I have indeed taken extraordinary precautions for the stability of the team and the company’s business, but this secret is not a last resort, and I will not do it. It will be used against everyone…”

Jimmy snorted coldly: “Don’t have any illusions about Nate. Although he hasn’t revealed your secret, once necessary, he will betray you without hesitation!”

After that, he continued: “Just two days ago, I had a small misunderstanding with Mr. Rothschild in Aurous Hill. Once Knight finds out, he will directly expel me from the law firm and even take the initiative to expel me.” gave all the clues to Mr. Rothschild’s housekeeper and wanted to send me to prison. If I hadn’t resolved the dispute with Mr. Rothschild, I would probably have been arrested by the FBI by now!”

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