Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6838

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6838

Steve doesn’t understand the Chinese way of thinking.

When he grew up, the education he received was that there was never such a thing as yin and yang harmony when facing enemies. There is only life and death to be patient. If you are stronger than your opponent, you will kill with one attack.

But Charlie’s reminders also help him open up to new ideas. It turns out that apart from enslaving and expelling people like slaves, he can also control people like cows and horses.

After wanting to understand this level, he stopped worrying and said with a smile: “Then let’s see how far they can go.”

Charlie looked at the excited but worried people, and smiled calmly: “I think they will soon reach a dead end. One party found that there was nothing they could do about the other party, and the other party was also wary of it. , but the object of his vigilance is only temporary. He doesn’t stand up and express his attitude, so he’s also unpredictable, so I guess everyone will be in trouble after making a fuss.

The fight this time was indeed a little weaker than before.

Although Jimmy stated that he would go up and down with everyone, Knight’s focus was not on Jimmy, but on Steve Rothschild.

According to him, the only person he is afraid of right now is Steve.

Steve just showed that he is Jimmy’s friend, which means he wants to support Jimmy.

Therefore, he actually did not dare to offend Jimmy.

But now, Jimmy had obviously gone too far, he didn’t even ask Steve’s opinion, and he just wanted to defend all the senior partners, if Steve took a stand, it would be the same as declaring that he had lost completely.

Therefore, he continued to look at Steve quietly, wanting to see if Steve would stand up and speak for Jimmy at this time.

And those in the same situation as Jimmy are also waiting for Steve to speak up to support Jimmy. However, Jimmy is now fighting for the initiative for them, and Knight has just made it clear that he won’t embarrass Jimmy anymore. But he won’t let anyone else go. If Steve didn’t support Jimmy, Knight would definitely not give Jimmy this face.

However, Steve, who everyone was paying attention to, had no intention of standing up and taking a stand at this time.

When he saw both parties looking at him quietly, he understood what Charlie had just said.

If he directly stated his position on behalf of Jimmy, today’s situation would be out of control. Knight’s majesty and threat in front of these people would be wiped out. These people would leave Ellis Law Firm as soon as possible and then lose their minds to the next stop of wealth without looking back.

In this case, the possibility of letting them serve Charlie in China was almost zero.

Therefore, these people still had to rely on Knight to restrain and balance them.

In this case, he couldn’t support Jimmy directly at all.

As a result, the scene quickly reached a dead end as Charlie had said.

After Jimmy finished his lofty words, Knight did not continue. The senior partners standing behind Jimmy felt uncertain and did not dare to express their opinions rashly. The scene suddenly became silent, even silent and awkward.

Charlie was almost transparent to these people’s eyes, so he coldly observed the changes in everyone’s expressions.

The longer this awkward situation went on, the more nervous and anxious the expressions of the people behind Jimmy became. In contrast, the Knight on the other side became more relaxed.

This was because Knight knew very well that Steve had enough strength and face to stand up directly and force himself to compromise, and there was definitely no possibility of resistance for him.

But the key is, Steve has not expressed his stance for a long time.

This proves that Steve doesn’t want to do that.

This is certainly a good situation for myself.

At this moment, the comrades behind Jimmy could no longer restrain themselves. Someone whispered into Jimmy’s ear and said excitedly: “Jimmy, you know Mr. Rothschild. Please ask him to speak for us!” ..”

Jimmy knew exactly what Steve was doing. The others treated Charlie as a transparent person. He knew that Charlie controlled the rhythm behind everything. When and how to move forward, and what kind of plan he would give followed Charlie’s request.

So, he answered in a low voice: “Master Steve was only willing to help me solve this problem before, so I don’t know if he is willing to help everyone solve this problem. After all, he doesn’t owe us anything.”

When the man heard this, he felt even more uncomfortable.

If Steve really just wanted to protect Jimmy, everyone’s future was basically over.

At this time, Charlie looked at Steve, and Steve understood and said, “Everyone, you have been arguing for so long, you might as well let me say something fair.”

As soon as everyone saw Steve start to intervene, hope suddenly rose in their hearts, while Nate looked at Steve nervously, afraid that he would really support these people.

Steve said at this time: “I just got a little bit of your business. From my point of view, everyone present has a problem.”

After saying this, he looked at the people behind Jimmy and said very seriously: “Objectively, your problem is bigger!”

When everyone heard this, their hearts suddenly sank, but Knight’s face was full of shock.

Steve continued: “You are here to blame your boss for digging a trap for you, but have you ever thought that if you had adhered to your duties as an employee, you would not have fallen into his trap at all.”

At this point, Steve glanced at Charlie subconsciously, and then said: “There is an old saying in China, flies do not bite smooth eggs. It is natural for you to be dominated by your own loopholes and weaknesses. And don’t forget, the mistakes you made are not only on the moral level, but also on the legal level.”

Everyone was even dimmer at this point. Steve said so, and it seemed like he didn’t want to turn to them.

At this time, Steve looked at Nate and said, “Of course, Nate, as a boss, it is dishonorable for you to use this method to control your employees. You should try to avoid it in the future.”

Knight did not expect that Steve would be so polite when talking to him, and classified the other party’s behavior as a dual issue of morality and law, and classified his own behavior as dishonorable, making it clear that he was biased against him. This time This made him very excited, and he quickly said respectfully: “You are right, Mr. Rothschild! I will definitely be careful not to do such despicable things in the future!”

“Yes.” Steve nodded slightly, looked at him and said very sincerely: “Nate, I personally admire you very much. If you can make the layout bigger and don’t leave it to yourself. There are too many things to talk about. , but in reality, your prospects in the American judiciary and even in the political field are limitless.”

The Knight’s eyes widened, and he asked in shock and delight: “Ro…Mister Rothschild…You…do you think so?”

Steve nodded and said: “To be honest, many prominent politicians in the United States are lawyers. At this point, you already have a great innate advantage. Moreover, no one knows how to use and use it better than lawyers. Destroying the law is your invincible weapon, and you have achieved extraordinary achievements in the legal field. In this case, why not enlarge the picture and look up as much as possible instead of looking down?”

Knight asked carefully: “Mister Rothschild, what do you mean?”

Steve said: “What I mean is you can obviously look for broader prospects and a brighter future, but you are wrongly focused on your employees and how to tie them up, let them work for you like slaves forever, you are like the 19th century farmers who desperately exploited black slaves. You point guns at them and tell them not to run away, but you never think about it. If you put guns outside your castle, you will have a great opportunity to expand your territory and double your farm, or even increase it tenfold or a hundredfold.”

When Knight heard this, he immediately understood the meaning of Steve’s words, and said with great embarrassment: “Mr. Rothschild, you are right, I should not limit my structure to these employees……”

Steve nodded and continued: “I will provide the best solution to this problem, but whether you adopt it or not is up to you.”

Knight was flattered and said quickly: “Mr. Rothschild, please tell me!”

Steve said: “There is already a gap between these people and you, and the possibility of you continuing to use them well is no longer there. Instead of doing this, it is better to let these people go out to do other things, and you take the board members back to the United States to think about how to reach the next level. As for these people, they will stay in China and help me a little. It just so happens that I also need some help from a lawyer here. From now on, you two will treat each other as guests across the ocean, don’t cause trouble to anyone, what do you think?”

Nate didn’t have time to think about that, all he could think about was what Steve had said about moving up to the next level, and the others finally relaxed a bit, because Steve finally started speaking up for them, wanting everyone to treat each other with respect and respect for each other meant Knight couldn’t provide evidence to convict them.

After Steve finished speaking, he looked at Nate and asked him: “Nate, what do you think of my proposal?”

So Knight said: “Mr. Rothschild, since you said so, I certainly have no objections. Just let them stay here to help you. As long as they serve you well, I certainly will not embarrass them.”

Steve nodded and said: “Then let’s make a deal. I will ask Jimmy to pick ten people. These ten people will stay in Aurous to help me in the future. If you don’t pay their salaries, If it’s convenient, I will pay for it.”

When Knight heard this, he immediately said: “No, no, no, Mr. Rothschild, how can you afford their wages? I have to pay them!”

Read: Hero Of Hearts Complete Novel