Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6839

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6839

After Steve had contact with Charlie several times, he understood the Eastern techniques of controlling people.

Sometimes, progress is progress and setbacks are setbacks, but sometimes progress is setbacks and setbacks are progress.

Just now, he had offered to cover these people’s salaries, which was a standard way to take advantage of a retreat, so he and Knight were just being polite, but Knight’s offer to cover all the expenses was sincere.

At this point, Knight could be said to be quite excited.

There was no other reason. He was flattered that the esteemed Mr. Rothschild was so polite to him, spoke for him, and cared for him rationally.

Moreover, although Rothschild did not understand the Chinese way of life, he knew how to draw a cake.

No one is better at drawing cakes than the Rothschilds. When they draw a cake, even the President of the United States would get excited, let alone a Knight Ellis.

Steve knew that Knight’s ambition was not just to become one of the leading law firms in the United States.

The ultimate goal of every legal elite is actually to enter the world of politics.

Running for Congress, governor, or even president, as long as you have a legal background, will definitely be easier than running for a regular politician.

Therefore, he deliberately reminded Knight subtly to focus his energy on higher areas rather than focusing on the employee.

On the one hand, Knight was indeed inspired. On the other hand, he also felt that this was a good opportunity to get closer to Steve. It is a great honor for a big man like Steve to personally propose a solution to him, so of course I have to give him enough face.

As for who paid these people, Knight no longer cared.

Starting a law firm, making hundreds of millions of dollars a year is the ceiling.

But once you enter the political arena, it’s not just about hundreds of millions of dollars. The power behind it is hard to measure in money.

In the United States, the enactment of any law may contain a huge business opportunity worth tens or tens of billions of dollars. I have been a lawyer for a long time and have seen too many such cases with my own eyes, but I can only come as a tourist to look around. If you touch and look around, you can never really enter it and become a trader. Only by entering the political arena can you get a piece of the pie.

Therefore, with the support of this ambitious goal, the salaries of the ten people in front of him meant nothing to Knight.

Even if Ellis doesn’t make money in the future, as long as he manages to enter politics, the deal will be worth it.

Moreover, he seemed to have gained Steve’s admiration. If he did it well today, he felt that Steve would definitely be a noble person in his life in the future.

Steve of course knew what Nate was thinking, so he smiled and said, “Nate, you really impress me.”

As soon as these words came out, Steve could see Knight’s excitement, so he turned to look at the people behind Jimmy and said: “Everyone, let me say something fair, as long as you accept it. As for the suggestion I just made, I believe Knight can avoid responsibility for the mistakes you made before. However, in this case, if you still want to escape unscathed, it would be too idealistic, so are you willing to accept it? China and work for me?”

There was almost no hesitation, and everyone immediately nodded in agreement.

For them, since it was impossible to escape unscathed, this solution felt like the optimal solution. On the one hand, they would not be stabbed in the back by Knight, on the other hand, their salary was guaranteed, and they could also interact with Steve. The husband had made certain contacts and accumulated a certain network of contacts for himself. The resolution of this problem had exceeded everyone’s psychological expectations.