Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6840

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6840

Seeing that the problem was solved, Steve smiled and said, “Then it’s settled. Nate, I’ll give them two weeks to prepare to return to America. How about you, these two weeks?” connecting the work and resources at hand. I believe all of you members of the board of directors used to be very professional lawyers. Now there is a shortage of manpower and everyone is working hard at the same time you are also doing a lot of work. Establish an internal selection mechanism and hand over some of the work to the young people below, and maybe more outstanding talents will emerge under heavy pressure.”

Knight didn’t expect Steve to be so considerate and said quickly: “Don’t worry, Mr. Rothschild, after we go back, I will arrange everything as soon as possible, and then ask them to come to China to report to you on time.”

Steve nodded and added: “Let them report to Jimmy when the time comes. I will also arrange a docking person for Jimmy, and Jimmy will dock on their behalf.”

“No problem!” Knight said without hesitation: “It’s all up to you, I obey 100%!”

Steve was very satisfied with Knight’s attitude and said with a smile: “I may have to stay in Aurous Hill for a while. After I finish my work here and return to the United States, we can have a meal together if I have time. I don’t know where you can go.” Inconvenient?”

When Knight heard this, he became even more excited and said quickly: “At ease! Mr. Rothschild, I… I am ready to help you at any time!”

“Okay.” Steve nodded: “Then it’s settled.”

After saying that, he looked at the others and said: “That’s all for today. I hope that after you go back, you can work together with Knight to handle the work at hand and try not to cause any harm to Ellis. Everyone As adults, as long as we can find a balance, many unpleasant things can be left behind.

In the minds of these Americans, Steve’s status is very transcendent. A powerful figure like Klaas has now become a close brother. This group of people is not only flattered, but also 100% convinced.

Therefore, these people nodded repeatedly, with piety and admiration on their faces, and took Steve’s words as a guide in their hearts.

Seeing that everything was almost done, Steve exchanged glances with Charlie, then said: “Okay, I won’t bother you too much for your internal meeting. Before you leave, I’ll treat you to the best hotel in Aurous Hill. Let’s have a meal together, everyone will definitely come when the time comes!”

Knight and a group of senior partners, initially nervous, were now beaming with excitement and eager to celebrate.

After all, if Steve Rothschild had invited him to dinner, he would have been able to brag about it for at least three years in the United States.

So, Steve walked out of the conference room surrounded by everyone’s enthusiasm. Charlie and Paul smiled at each other and followed the crowd out from a distance. Everyone kept bowing to Steve and paying attention.

After leaving Buckingham Palace, Steve immediately asked Charlie with a flattered expression on his face: “Mr. Wade, was what I did okay?”

Charlie nodded: “That’s quite acceptable.”

Steve chuckled: “Thanks to your advice, China is an ancient civilization. Your yin and yang harmony was revealed to me at once, and the effect turned out to be very good.”

Charlie chuckled and said: “Stop flattering me. When it comes to fighting with others, an old fox like you definitely has more experience than me.”

Steve nodded and said seriously: “Although I have more experience than you, to be honest, I am not as artistic as you!”

Charlie looked at Paul and said seriously: “Do you see that we are the biggest family in the world? Although we are usually arrogant and domineering, when we should be humble, we are more humble than anyone else. What is the idiom? Able to bend and stretch.”

Paul nodded in agreement and smiled: “Mr. Wade is right, I need to learn more in the future.”

Steve said awkwardly: “Mr. Wade, please stop teasing me…”

“No.” Charlie smiled and said: “Mr. Rothschild controlled the whole situation very well today. Everyone is happy. The balance of yin and yang has made it clear to you.”

Steve chuckled: “Mr. Wade is full of praise.”

After saying that, he hurriedly said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, please go back and tell Mr. Hong that I will take over Tianxiang House and hold a banquet for these people someday, to make them more convinced!”

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