Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6851

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6851

Willson Liu willingly gave up his seat, which made President Pei and his wife breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

The other vice presidents present at the scene also immediately felt more relaxed.

They were also afraid that President Pei would let one of them give up his position to Jacob. Although everyone was disgusted with Jacob, when they thought that Mr. Hong was behind him, no one wanted to offend him in public. One of them gave up his position, no matter who it was, no one dared to object.

Seeing that the problem had been temporarily resolved, President Pei couldn’t help but give his wife a thumbs up under the table next to him.

Whether I should say it or not, my wife has indeed planned this matter carefully. With Willson Liu’s words, she will make work adjustments tomorrow so that Jacob can return to work, and his thorny problem will be solved.

Chairman Pei’s wife specially said at this time: “Why don’t we toast to Willson Liu together! This time, it’s all thanks to him!”

“Yes, yes!” President Pei suddenly came to his senses, immediately picked up the wine glass, stood up, and said to everyone: “Come on, everyone, let’s have a toast with Willson Liu and thank Willson Liu for his initiative this time. , I also hope that everyone can remember Willson Liu’s kindness. Since it is a favor, everyone should repay it if there is a chance in the future!”

As soon as President Pei said these words, Willson Liu suddenly felt the urge to die for his confidant.

He felt that President Pei was very good. He had been lifted up by him. Now he let him down, he actually didn’t say anything. But he didn’t expect that President Pei would give him such a face, in front of so many people. In front of him, he spoke so thoroughly, which made him very touched.

Others also knew that Willson Liu’s initiative to give up his position this time had indeed helped everyone solve a problem, and it was natural for everyone to remember him as a favor.

As a result, everyone agreed, and in their words, they did not forget to praise Willson Liu, and at the same time boasted that Haikou would definitely repay him in the future.

Willson Liu’s eyes were red with emotion. He stood up with a glass of wine and said loudly: “Thank you, President Pei, my sister-in-law and all the leaders for your concern. I, Liu Haitao, have nothing to repay, so I will do it first as a sign of respect!”

After saying that, he raised his head and drank all the white wine in the glass.

The others did not hesitate at all and drank at once. The atmosphere was very friendly and warm.

At this time, someone suddenly asked: “By the way, President Pei, if Jacob is allowed to go back to work, will the people below have any opinions? If he gets angry again or complains, I’m afraid it will be quite troublesome. Right?”

Before Chairman Pei could speak, his wife Huang Qiuyun said first: “Don’t worry, everyone. Although Jacob’s previous incident was indeed a scandal, it has not been raised to a criminal case. It’s not even a civil dispute, and it’s just Parker Ermao. If there is no official intervention in this kind of thing, the rumor will always be a rumor. Whoever sues based on rumors will never win.

Huang Qiuyun said, “Let’s take the popular practice of keeping a mistress as an example. If Jacob is found to have kept a mistress outside, and there is conclusive evidence, and the original wife also comes to the association to seek justice, then the association will definitely expel him, but if only a woman comes out and says that she is Jacob’s mistress, without any other evidence, and even his original wife does not admit it, then in this case, no one will do anything to Jacob.