Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6852

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6852

When Huang Qiuyun said this, she also wanted to remind the other people sitting here, in case someone felt unhappy and went to report Jacob, and ended up causing trouble for President Pei and the Calligraphy Association, if someone made a fuss about Jacob’s return, the first person to bear the pressure would definitely be her husband, and she had to try her best to prevent this from happening.

When others heard what she said, they felt that what she said was indeed reasonable. Once they subconsciously agreed with Huang Qiuyun’s point of view and felt that complaining about Jacob was useless, they completely extinguished this spark in their subconscious.

The group reached a consensus, and the atmosphere quickly became lively. Everyone exchanged glasses and drank happily.

President Pei had a good drinking capacity, but tonight he deliberately controlled it and drank less. However, in the second half of the drinking party, he deliberately pretended to be quite drunk, and lay on the table for a while. After a while, he pretended to have a headache and rubbed his temples. Even the wife beside him was fooled by him.

Seeing that President Pei seemed to have drunk too much, everyone stopped toasting him. Instead, the others divided the remaining wine evenly and ended the drinking party early on the grounds that President Pei was unwell.

Everyone carried the overly drunk President Pei out, sat him in the passenger seat, watched his wife drive away, and then everyone went back to their respective homes to look for their mothers.

After the car had driven a few hundred meters, President Pei, who had been slumped in the passenger seat, sat up straight and said to Huang Qiuyun beside him: “Honey, turn right ahead.”

Huang Qiuyun was startled by his sudden words and asked in surprise: “Lao Pei, aren’t you too drunk?”

“Not much.” President Pei said: “This is not my amount. If you want me to drink too much, I have to drink at least half a catty of Maotai.”

Huang Qiuyun shook his head helplessly: “Tonight the wine table is full of your subordinates, do you still need to hide your drinking? If you don’t want to drink, just say no. Who can force you to drink?”

President Pei said: “Oh, you don’t understand. Today, I want to show that I am in tune with them. Of course, I can’t act like a leader. I can do whatever I want. I don’t think I’m close enough to the people, and they won’t take me seriously.” Brother is watching.”

As he said that, President Pei saw that he was approaching an intersection and said, “Quickly turn right onto the road to Tomson Yipin. I have to meet Jacob.”

Huang Qiuyun suddenly realized it, and while turning right, she asked him: “Are you holding back, are you planning to meet Jacob?”

“Yes.” Chairman Pei sighed and said depressedly, “He must have hated me very much these past few days. From now on, when we meet without looking up, how can this relationship be eased? Even if his position as director is vacated now? After I came out, I told him personally to show my sincerity.”

Huang Qiuyun hurriedly asked, “Then, are we going to visit his house? We haven’t prepared anything, so it wouldn’t be right to go empty-handed, right?”

President Pei said: “It’s too late to prepare anything this late. Besides, it’s not appropriate to go to someone else’s house after drinking. I think I’ll call Jacob to invite Jacob when I arrive at Tomson Yipin soon. “, apologize to him for a few words outside, tell him today’s results, and ask him to report back to the association tomorrow morning.”

Huang Qiuyun asked again: “Then do you think he can forgive you?”

President Pei waved his hand: “No one will forgive this kind of thing. All I can do is try to make it up to her and ease the conflict a little. She will definitely still hate me in her heart, but no matter what, I If you show sincerity to make it up to her, I believe things will get better.”