Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6856

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6856

As soon as Jacob came out, he saw President Pei standing at the foot of the stairs. When they met again, Jacob’s hatred and anger towards President Pei once again emerged, with knives in his eyes.

When President Pei saw Jacob, his face was full of flattering smiles. Before Jacob could go down, he came to him in two or two steps and held Jacob’s hand in the middle of the stairs, feeling very embarrassed: “Jacob, I can’t help you!”

Jacob naturally knew that the other party was just acting, so he sarcastically said: “President Pei, I have known you for so long, and this is the first time I know that you are actually a capable actor!”

Elder Pei blushed and said in embarrassment: “Jacob, I know you have a lot of dissatisfaction with me, and I will not hide it from you. It is true that I did not handle your matter honestly, but I, Pei Qidong, swear to God, I really did not mean to deceive you at first, I really planned to leave you the position of director…”

Speaking of this, President Pei became worried and said: “Hey, let me tell you the truth, the reason why this matter happened in the end is because of that prodigal bitch of mine! She always whispered in my ear, saying that if I help you like this, I will definitely give people a hint. If someone intentionally uses it to make a big fuss, my own future may be affected. I was also fooled by the lard, thinking that I had waited for so many years for a promotion opportunity, and if I failed to grasp it, my future might be completely ruined, so I decided to break the promise I made to you…”

Jacob looked at him suspiciously and asked, “Isn’t it inappropriate for you to blame your wife for this kind of thing?”

President Pei became anxious and said quickly: “How can this be called shifting the blame? Jacob, I swear to you that I was purely bewitched by my narrow-minded wife in this matter. If I lied to you, , may God accept me tonight!”

Jacob now believed 80% of Chairman Pei’s words, and his anger subsided a little.

So, he waved his hand and said, “Okay, let’s not talk about this now. Just tell me straight why you came to see me today?”

President Pei said hurriedly: “Jacob, I came to you for nothing else. I just want to invite you back to our calligraphy and painting association. I have secured the position of director for you as I promised before. You can come back at any time. On duty!”

When Jacob heard this, his anxious heart immediately relaxed completely.

What he wants is the position of director.

He did not dare to think about becoming executive vice president, but he was satisfied with the position of director.

Now that he had received President Pei’s promise, he naturally got his wish.

However, he pretended not to be moved on the surface, and changed the topic and asked President Pei: “President Pei, I think your wife is right. If you protect me now, aren’t you afraid of being affected by me?”

President Pei did not say that he had no hope of being promoted, but said without hesitation: “Jacob, people often say that soldiers will stop you, and water will cover you. If I really fall under your influence, then I will find a way to stop you.” Minimize the impact and solve problems when they arise. Don’t be afraid of problems before they arise, right?”

Jacob sighed and said with emotion: “Actually, after all this trouble, I am quite embarrassed to return to the Painting and Calligraphy Association. When the time comes, these people will blame me. That is not bad enough.”

President Pei held his hand tightly and said sincerely: “Jacob, don’t worry, I have communicated with all the senior officials today. They know what they know and will never dare to point fingers at you. As for the others, I also Let them detain their men, and when you go back, just pretend that what happened before never happened, and don’t worry about anything else!”

Jacob pondered for a moment, as if he had made a very difficult decision, and gritted his teeth and said: “Okay! Since you said so, then I will go back!”

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