Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6859

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6859

When Charlie saw his father-in-law return from outside with a proud expression on his face, he knew that his return to the Painting and Calligraphy Association was definitely settled.

So she asked him deliberately and curiously: “Dad, what good thing happened that made you so happy?”

Jacob chuckled and said, “Good son-in-law, Mr. Orvel is really great. You just finished talking to him in the afternoon, and Pei Qidong came to beg me to go back to the Painting and Calligraphy Association in the evening!”

After saying that, Jacob said again: “Pei Qidong arranged a director position for me. Although it is several levels lower than the previous executive vice president, it is still acceptable. I have promised him that I will report back tomorrow.”

Charlie nodded lightly. Although his father-in-law had limited abilities, he couldn’t let him stay at home all the time. It would be easier to find something for him to do, so he smiled and said, “It’s okay.” “Good, at least Dad, you don’t have to be so boring.”

Jacob nodded excitedly at this time and said: “I surprised Pei Qidong today. I told him exactly what I said. I have been living in Tomson Yipin. Who really cares about your calligraphy and painting association? This guy looks like a It was then that I realized it. Didn’t you see his expression at that time? Oh my God, it was so amazing!”

At this time, Claire opened the door and came in. She happened to hear Jacob dancing and saying beautiful things, so she asked with a smile: “Dad, what beautiful things are you talking about, so happy!”

Seeing his daughter come back, Jacob didn’t want her to know about his affair, so he smiled and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay. I was talking to Charlie about our relationship. Claire, have you eaten?”

“Eat.” Claire said, “I eat at the office in Dihao.”

After that, he asked again: “Dad, how was your time with mom in Dubai?”

Jacob could no longer see the previous decadence and said with a smile: “Good, good. Apart from the heat, there is nothing wrong with the place. Your mother is so fascinated by shopping that my legs are getting thinner from her walking.”

Claire nodded and asked him: “Where is my mother, where did she go?”

Jacob said: “Your mother has gone back to her room to pack her things. She bought too many things. She might need to store them for a while. Why don’t you go up and meet her and give her some help.”

“Okay.” Claire said, “Then I’ll go see mom first, and you and Charlie can chat first.”

Claire entered the elevator and went up. Jacob quickly said to Charlie: “Good son-in-law, please don’t tell Claire about my affairs. This is a shame.”

Charlie nodded and said, “Don’t worry, Dad, I know what happened.”

Jacob felt relieved and said with a smile, “Good.”

After that, he hurriedly came to Charlie’s side and whispered: “Also, my dear son-in-law, thank you very much for this matter!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Dad, you don’t have to be so polite. This is mainly because of Orvel’s help. Otherwise, there’s nothing I can do.”

Jacob said seriously: “My good son-in-law, Mr. Orvel has helped us a lot. We still have to respect him more in our hearts. Even if we don’t do it in front of him, we still have to call him Mr. Orvel. We can’t call him Orvel directly. That’s not appropriate, look at me, I always call you Mr. Orvel Hong with great respect.

Charlie smiled helplessly and said, “Dad, you can call him whatever you want, but leave me alone and let me call him Mr. Orvel Hong. It’s not appropriate and he won’t like it.”

After that, without waiting for Jacob to speak, he stood up and said, “Dad, if there’s nothing else, I’ll go up first.”