Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6862

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6862

Zhongquan Wade came to Aurous Hill today, and Nicolas An was determined to take his whole family to the airport to pick him up, but Charlie gave up this idea on the grounds that the An family was not suitable to appear in public together.

However, although Nicolas An did not come to the airport, he had long prepared his wife and children carefully at home. The family had a sumptuous family dinner together, just waiting for Charlie to pick up Zhongquan Wade.

Because it was a simple trip, Zhongquan Wade did not bring a companion. Charlie just drove a low-key BMW and picked up the old man from the airport. His grandson and granddaughter went directly to the Champs Elysees Hot Spring Villa in the suburbs.

When Charlie drove the car to the door of the villa, everyone in the An family got out of the villa before the car stopped.

A Nicolas and his wife supported each other and walked in front, followed by their four children. Even Duncan Li came out to greet them.

Zhongquan Wade, who was in the car, was surprised and a little nervous when he saw the An family members come out to greet them. The car was still slowing down, so he subconsciously unbuckled his seat belt, then went to open the door.

When the seat belt reminder sounded, Charlie also stopped the car completely.

Zhongquan Wade opened the car door almost at the same time as Charlie parked the car, and got out of the car impatiently.

At the foot of Mount Anqi, he couldn’t help but walk a few steps quickly. When Zhongquan Wade got out of the car, he hurriedly got out of the car. He immediately stretched out his hand to him and said with emotion: “Brother Ya, you are safe after so many years!”

Zhongquan Wade held hands with him, nodded slightly and said: “Brother An, together and safe!”

After a few simple greetings, the two old men’s hands clasped together and moved up and down repeatedly.

Grandmother Charlie also walked to the side and said politely: “Brother Ye, long time no see!”

Zhongquan Wade nodded at him and said with a smile: “My brothers have been doing well all this time, right?”

“Very good.” The old woman nodded and quickly said to the children behind her: “Don’t be surprised and greet Uncle Ye.”

Charlie’s three uncles and aunts also said in unison: “Hello, Uncle Ye.”

Zhongquan Wade nodded to the four of them, smiled and sighed: “You guys, I haven’t seen each other for many years, you have changed a lot.”

The Marshal said respectfully: “Uncle Ye, when we met before, we were still vigorous young people, and now we have gradually entered the ranks of middle-aged and elderly people.”

Zhongquan Wade lamented: “Flowers will bloom again, and people will never be young again. As long as there is no regret in my heart, it doesn’t matter if I grow old.”

Marshal nodded: “Uncle Ye is right.”

Seeing Charlie get out of the car, Nicolas An quickly said to everyone: “Come in, eat and chat! Food and wine are ready.”

After saying that, he looked at Zhongquan Wade and said seriously: “Brother Ye, we must drink together tonight!”

Zhongquan Wade agreed without hesitation and said: “The doctor always told me not to drink, but I have to drink a little today!”