Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6865

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6865

Moreover, according to Charlie and Maria Lin’s inference, Victoria did not have the Hundred Turns and Thousand Returns Pill, and her lifespan was less than a hundred years, in case one day she lost her mind and took matters into her own hands.

Regarding my grandfather’s family, even if I fight to the death, I might not be able to save anyone in the An family, or even myself.

Therefore, not to mention his marriage with Claire was not normal.

Even if it was a normal marriage, she didn’t dare to have children at this time.

If he is ever exposed, his child will most likely be next. .

So, he said to his grandmother: “Grandma, it is not a good time to have children these days.

The AI ​​model created for me by the Rothschild family will soon be used. At that time, I will take the initiative and Together with Detective Li, we try to find a way to use AI to find the location of the Qing Society around the world.

AI models have strong computing power and can obtain information on a global scale, then analyze and calculate that information.

After being able to find out from a large amount of information After the Warriors Den is placed, I will find a way to eliminate it.

Then I might have to go on a trip around the world about having kids.”

Except for the white lie that he didn’t have time to think about having children, Charlie’s words were basically the real situation.

In his opinion, even though Warriors Den was a giant with four hundred years of history, no matter how big it was, as long as its strength continued to weaken, one day it would be able to trample it.

Charlie can’t face Victoria directly now, but at least he can completely wipe out the Warriors Den Society stations around the world one by one like he did in his previous attack on Cyprus.

In this case, Victoria’s external strength will continue to weaken.

Moreover, this is the only way to replace defense with offense.

Judging from Victoria’s extremely cautious character, the faster and stronger her movements, the more shrinking and cautious she becomes. Otherwise, once she no longer appears and no longer causes serious damage to him, she may have to do it again. Target the An family.

Although Charlie still didn’t understand why Victoria would think of exterminating the An family, he knew that Victoria wouldn’t give up so easily.

When grandma heard that Charlie said he wanted to take the initiative, she said with a worried expression: “Charlie, didn’t you just promise us that you would put your own safety first? Why are you taking the initiative again?”

Charlie nodded and said seriously: “Grandma, don’t worry. Although I plan to take the initiative, I’m not just a reckless person who only knows how to fight and kill.

I will first gather information and then filter it carefully to ensure that it is under my control.” Only then can we take action.”

Grandpa beside him saw that grandma was worried, so he comforted her and said, “Don’t worry, Charlie must know what happened.

We have the right to advise Charlie to be careful, but don’t doubt his strength and mind. After all, it is we who face danger many times.” , not him.

The old woman nodded slightly, and she knew very well that even if Charlie was asked to be more careful, Charlie would never give up on revenge.

At this time, Zhongquan Wade suddenly remembered something and asked Charlie: “By the way, Charlie, you asked me to come and hold a press conference with you.

You haven’t told me the specific arrangements and plans. What do you need me to say and do during the press conference? ?”

Charlie said seriously: “Grandpa, the main purpose of the press conference is to announce the decision of the An family and the Wade family to jointly establish Changying Automobile.

The second uncle will be responsible for hosting the press conference, and he will announce the cooperation plan and strategic plan. Professor Watt will Come to announce the development blueprint of Changying Automobile.

You and grandpa especially came to support and complete the signing ceremony on the spot.

After the contract is signed, Changying Automobile will be officially launched Changying Automobile started the construction of its production base in Aurous Hill, you must work hard to attend the groundbreaking ceremony.

Zhongquan Wade attaches great importance to the automobile group named after his son.

When he heard that Charlie hoped that he would immediately lay the foundation stone for the production base in Aurous Hill, he said without thinking: “Charlie, I haven’t been to Aurous Hill for many years.

I came here today to talk to you again.” Nice to meet you, grandpa. If I don’t bother you, I would like to stay in Aurous Hill for a while and then come back after attending the groundbreaking ceremony!”