Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6910

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6910

When Charlie and Maria Lin arrived in Northern Europe, it was already three in the afternoon local time.

Although winter has entered Northern Europe, the temperature is not too low, warmer than Aurous Hill, and the temperature feels more comfortable than expected.

It’s just that the latitude of Northern Europe is very high. When winter comes in the northern hemisphere, the daylight hours are relatively shorter.

Even though it was only three in the afternoon, it was already dusk and the sun was starting to touch the horizon.

Charlie came to Northern Europe for the first time in winter.

He couldn’t help but look at the local time on his phone and sigh: “This place is really interesting. It’s only three o’clock and it’s already dark…”

Maria Lin smiled and said: “Osu City is considered to be in the southern part of Northern Europe, so there are still five hours of daylight in winter.

In the northern parts of Northern Europe, it will soon be the polar night, and the sun will not be visible for about a month or two.”

Charlie sighed: “I’m afraid I will get depressed if I stay here for a long time.”

“No.” Maria Lin said with a fascinated expression: “Young Master, you don’t know. In fact, the polar night is also quite good.

You can see the aurora at any time in the icy and snowy villages near the polar regions.

Sparsely populated villages live in villages There are often more sled dogs than people living here for months living in the polar night is the most relaxing time for the whole people.

Charlie immediately understood Maria Lin’s words, and felt a little sorry for her, and sighed: “In this way, the dark night is indeed safer for those who need to hide.”

Maria Lin smiled and said, “Now is the season to witness the aurora.

After you have finished your business, I wonder if I can accompany my family to the northern part of Northern Europe?”

“Okay.” Charlie agreed without hesitation.

Maria Lin was very happy, and her heart had flown to the magical polar place where ice and snow, pine and fir, and the aurora echoed each other.

When the two got off the plane, the Nordic royal family’s vehicle was already waiting here. Waiting for the two of them was a articulate middle-aged woman.

He walked towards Charlie and said respectfully: “Master Wade, I am I am from the Nordic royal family.” Housekeeper Susan White, just call me Susan.

Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to come to the airport to pick you up and Miss Lin.

He is already waiting at the palace.”

Charlie nodded and said politely: “Then thank you for your hard work.”

Susan said very humbly, “This is an honor for me.”

After that, he and the other accompanying driver took the initiative to open the back door of the car for Charlie and Maria Lin and invited them to get into the car.

After the two of them got into the car, Susan and the driver got back into the car.

The driver started the car, and Susan, the passenger, said: “Mr. Wade, Miss Lin, Her Majesty the Queen has already greeted the customs. You two do not need to go through immigration formalities.

After saying that, he turned around and handed the two documents to the two of them, and said: “This is the relevant diplomatic immunity certificate.

If you two have plans to travel freely in Northern Europe these days, and encounter police and other government departments asking about your documents,

You can Show this ID to other parties and they will provide maximum convenience.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded, took the two certificates, and sighed in his heart that Helena was indeed considerate.