Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6915

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6915

When Helena entered the data center, she did not bring any royal entourage or servants, but rather more than two dozen staff members wearing blue cotton overalls, antistatic gloves, masks, and protective hats.

Most of the staff were technicians mobilized by the An family from the United States, but among them were four non-professionals who pretended to be fakes, namely Charlie and Maria Lin, Marcus An’s second uncle, and retired Detective Li Duncan Li.

It was Helena who reported on this transaction with the Rothschild family, so Charlie didn’t want Howard to know that the Wade family and the An family were involved, and Marcus An and Duncan Li were both well-known figures in America.

The state, especially Marcus An, has long been in charge of the An Family’s external business, and Howard naturally knows him, so everyone simply wears masks and mixes with a group of staff.

Howard’s attention was currently not on the uniformed staff at all.

Because according to the daily operational standards of this highest level data center, staff do need to wear antistatic cotton clothing.

Gloves, hats and masks are also necessary equipment and Helena was the only person at the scene who did not change their equipment.

Howard was naturally very happy to see Helena. He hurried forward to greet Helena, took the initiative to kiss Helena’s hand, and then said in a respectful tone: “Your Highness, it is an honor to meet you again!”

Helena maintained the dignity and caution that a queen should have and said loudly: “It is a pleasure to meet you in Northern Europe, Mr. Rothschild, where are we now?”

Howard pointed to the endless large cabinet behind him and said excitedly: “Your Majesty, the cabinet you see here is filled with the most advanced computing chips.”

“My engineers tell me that now that they are in standby mode, you will find that the engines in these cabinets operate very quietly, but once they are given instructions to operate at full capacity, the roar of these engines will be comparable to the sound of a Boeing 747 taking off!”

“When all the processors here are working at full capacity, the power required to operate them will be comparable to the power requirements of a small city!”

Helena nodded slightly and said: “Then let it all run. I want to see how powerful it is when all its computing power is concentrated on performing one computing task!”

An AI data center of the same size in New York, USA, provides various types of AI computing services to at least tens of millions of people at the same time.

Although most of the computation can utilize the computing power of the user’s local device, the computing work is still done by the data center. It is completed in the cloud, and then the results are sent to the user’s terminal device.

In other words, the average person can only use one millionth of the computing power of these data centers.

If all this computing power were concentrated on a single task, its execution capability would exceed the normal cognitive span of any person.

Howard didn’t understand how this model worked, so he said to the technician next to him: “Hank, run the model and show it to Her Majesty the Queen!”

“Yes, Mr. Rothschild!” The technician known as Hank immediately said: “Your Majesty, please move to the main console. The local execution end of the entire AI model is all integrated in the central console.”

“I will do it there, you and your staff are shown how to get the model up and running, and then the execution authority is handed over to your staff online.”

Helena nodded: “Then it’s all your blessing.”