Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6919

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6919

In the eyes of an old detective like Duncan Li, who has a strong sense of investigation, the power of the AI ​​model is comparable to Sun Wukong’s golden cudgel and Poseidon’s trident.

Often, criminal investigations depend not on experience and technology, but on the ability to obtain and retrieve information.

Start tracking the suspect from city A. Once he leaves city A and the leads are artificially cut off, trying to find him again is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But from an objective point of view, no matter how vast the ocean is, this needle objectively still exists and has the potential to be found.

The difficulty is, who has the manpower to conduct a carpet search across the entire ocean?

Now AI already has this capability.

At least the custom AI model in front of you already has this capability.

He has studied all the public content on the Internet, so theoretically he also knows everyone in the world who has a name, surname, and image data on the Internet.

As long as you can provide him with enough video material and give him time, he will be able to compare every face that appears in the video and find the person you are looking for.

From thousands of videos, you can recognize millions of faces, and then find a specific person from those millions of faces.

If relying on manual recognition, it may take at least hundreds of people working for several days or even dozens of days in one row.

But for AI, it might only take tens of minutes, even a few minutes.

The more Duncan Li thought about it, the more excited he became.

He pulled Charlie to a quiet place and whispered: “Mr. Wade, if you can find a way to hack into the surveillance systems of major airports around the world and hand them over.

a person’s face from the Clearing House to the AI ​​Study, as long as this person travels by plane, we will be able to know all his whereabouts immediately!”

Charlie asked him: “Is it possible to hack airport surveillance?”

Duncan Li thought for a moment and said: “It depends on the information protection capabilities of the country or airport.

It should be easy to hack airport surveillance in small third world countries.

It shouldn’t be easy to hack airport surveillance in small third world countries.

It shouldn’t be easy in developed countries, especially countries with advanced Internet industries.”

Having said that, Duncan Li added: “But I don’t think it’s impossible.”

Charlie asked him: “Does Inspector Li have any good ideas?”

Duncan Li said: “Russian hackers have always been very powerful. We can try to find them to hack surveillance cameras everywhere.”

“If they can’t hack it, we can also collect it ourselves!”

“Take it yourself?” Charlie asked him: “You mean, we go to the airport to set up surveillance equipment ourselves, or arrange for people to go to the airport to take pictures?”

Duncan Li shook his head and lowered his voice and said: “Use UGc big data!”

Charlie was confused: “UGc? What does that mean?”

Duncan Li explains: “This is user-generated content, like your short video platform, where hundreds of millions of users will publish their own content and even live broadcast on the platform.”

“The data they produce is UGc. Just think, In any airport or train station with a slightly larger flow of people in the world, there will be people taking photos and videos here.”

“They will upload these photos and short videos to social platforms, and all this data will become public data. At the airport scale, there are tens of thousands of people at the airport at the same time.”

“These people will use their phones to take photos of each other, and then upload them to social platforms to appear at the airport, most likely we will not be able to hide from other passengers at the airport.”