Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6929

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6929

Steve wants to meet Charlie, not only to get close to him, but also to tell him about his upcoming stay in China.

Seeing that Charlie also agreed to meet, he immediately said: “Okay, Mr. Wade, wait a minute, I will be there soon!”

Then, he thought for a moment, walked over to Helena and Howard, and said, “Excuse me, Your Highness, which bathroom?”

Helena guessed that she must be going to see Charlie, so she smiled and said, “You can go to the bathroom in the banquet hall and walk through the corridor on the east side of the first floor to the end.”

“Okay, thank you, Your Majesty!” Steve saluted respectfully, then whispered to his father: “Father, I will go first, and you and Her Majesty the Queen will talk first.”

“Go ahead.” Howard nodded. In his opinion, Steve was just a foil today. It didn’t matter whether he was there or not at the moment, so he didn’t take it to heart.

When Steve arrived at the banquet hall, Charlie, Maria Lin, Marshal An and Duncan Li were sitting at a large dining table eating.

Steve ran towards him, and when he saw Charlie, he quickly put on an excited expression, walked quickly to his side, and said respectfully: “Hello, Mr. Wade! We meet again!”

Charlie nodded and introduced his second uncle Marcus An, who was sitting across from him, and said: “Steve, let me introduce my second uncle Marcus An. You must have met him, right?”

Steve naturally knew Marcus An, but they had never had a friendship with each other.

Now that they had met again, he stepped forward to shake hands with great enthusiasm and said, “Hello, Mr. An! We have known each other for a long time!”

Marcus smiled and said: “I didn’t expect to see Mr. Rothschild here. An honor.”

Steve quickly said: “Just call me Steve. Don’t call me Mr. Rothschild. That’s too foreign.

You are Mr. Wade’s uncle and will be my good friend in the future. There is no need to be like this between good friends. There is no need to be so polite!”

Marcus nodded and smiled: “Okay Steve, just call me Marcus from now on, or call me my English name Kevin.”

Steve smiled and said: “I’m good at Mandarin, so just call you Kai Feng.”

This time, Charlie introduced Duncan Li again and said, “Steve, this is Inspector Duncan Li. You don’t need to introduce me again, do you?”

“No, no, no,” Steve said with a smile, “I live in New York, how could I not have heard of Inspector Li? I have admired him for a long time!”

After that, he took the initiative to contact Inspector Li and shook his hand.

Charlie then pointed to Maria Lin beside him and introduced: “This is one of my younger sisters, named Maria Lin.”

Seeing Maria Lin’s feminine nature, Steve didn’t think much about it, so he subconsciously wanted to step forward and kiss her hand. Charlie interrupted him with his hand and said with a smile: “If you are under 18, just kiss your hand.”

Steve didn’t feel embarrassed and immediately withdrew his hand and said with a smile: “I didn’t expect Miss Lin to be so young.

If you have the opportunity to go to the United States in the future, you will definitely ask Mr. You must contact me. I will definitely arrange the best reception!

Maria Lin nodded politely, smiled, and said, “Thank you first, Mr. Rothschild.”

Charlie looked at Steve and asked curiously: “Steve, why didn’t you visit your father and come here to see me?”

Steve couldn’t hide his excitement and said: “Mr. Wade, I want to tell you that I have reached a consensus with my father.

 to establish a Rothschild family office in mainland China to be responsible for the family’s investments in China.

At that time, I will take full responsibility for this family office, and I will personally go to China to take over all the business of this office.

The family will invest US$50 billion to increase investment in China, and I will set up this office in Aurous Hill!”

Charlie was not surprised by this news. Steve was a smart guy.

After he came to Aurous Hill last time, he must have realized that he is a noble person now in the future. A good choice will certainly make it easier for you to pinch him with your hands.

So, Charlie smiled and said to Steve: “Steve, I would like to welcome you in advance on behalf of Aurous Hill and the citizens of Aurous Hill.”

Steve said excitedly: “Mr. Wade and the residents of Aurous Hill can rest assured that I will try my best to contribute to the development of Aurous Hill!”

Charlie was stunned: “Who did you learn this skill from?”

Steve smiled and said honestly: “I have watched a lot of Chinese films and television recently, all of which reflect the World War II period.

To be honest, I was deeply moved by the courage of those Chinese national heroes!”