Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6938

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6938

The villa is currently under construction. Due to the size of the desired villa, even if the best construction team is deployed, it will take at least a year and a half to complete in the world’s least developed country.

You can’t buy it anywhere else, so you can only transport it to Madagascar by plane from anywhere in the world at any cost.

Chengfeng Su now focuses on two things every day besides eating, drinking, and having sex with women, the first is supervising the construction of the villa, and the other is taking a helicopter to patrol his territory,

because the area is very large. which is four people, the area is more than a thousand square kilometers, and there are almost no paved roads. If you want to patrol, besides riding a horse, you have to take a helicopter.

It must be said that Madagascar is so underdeveloped that when flying in a helicopter, what you see is almost a completely primitive landscape.

The density of wild animals is much higher than in the zoo. Trees give people a rough and wild feeling in the primitive world, and at the same time, it also has the magic of heaven.

At first, the old man was drunk from sitting in the helicopter and watching the scenery and sunset every day.

However, as time went by, the scenery everywhere he looked was almost the same, and gradually he felt a little bored that the villa would soon be built so that he could take good care of himself.

Just as he landed on the helicopter, the old housekeeper who had been with him for many years ran over with a satellite phone and hurriedly said: “Sir, Miss Zhiyu called you and said there was something urgent, and asked you to call her as soon as possible when you come back. Call back!”

There is no wireless communication network coverage in the area where the old man is located. He can only make and receive calls via satellite. The same goes for surfing the Internet.

Making calls could only be done using a clunky satellite phone with few functions, so the old man almost never carried it with him. The housekeeper put it on his waist.

Hearing that his granddaughter had important business with him, he immediately took the phone and returned it to Zhiyu Su while holding it with both hands.

The call was soon connected, and Zhiyu Su on the other end said: “Grandpa, I have good news for you!”

“What’s the good news?” Chengfeng Su subconsciously asked her: “Could it be that Charlie asked me to come back?”

Zhiyu Su replied: “Not very good…”

After that, Zhiyu Su added: “But Mr. Wade called me and said that there is an urgent task for you.

If you can complete it well, he will give you more convenience as appropriate.”

“Really?” Chengfeng Su asked quickly: “What urgent mission? Does he want the lemurs in Madagascar or the bread trees here?”

“None of them…” Zhiyu Su said: “Mr. Wade asked you to buy all the companies operating vending machines in Africa, starting with Nigeria.”

“A company that operates vending machines?” Chengfeng Su thought he had heard something wrong, and asked doubtfully: “What kind of business expert is Charlie? Why is he targeting the vending machine business in Africa?”

Zhiyu Su said: “I don’t know the details, but Mr. Wade said that the sooner the better, especially Nigeria. We must remove it as soon as possible.”

“Nigeria…” Chengfeng Su smacked his lips and asked her: “Then, can I go to Nigeria directly?”

“Yes.” Zhiyu Su said: “Mr. Wade said that you are allowed to leave Madagascar during this period, and the scope of your activities can be expanded to any country and region in Africa.”

“Very good!” Chengfeng Su patted his thigh excitedly: “When I open my eyes every day, I see a bread tree.

I almost felt nauseous. Nigeria seems relatively wealthy in Africa, so it should be more comfortable than here.”

Zhiyu Su said: “Grandpa, you should seize this opportunity. If you can satisfy Mr. Wade, you may be allowed to return to China.

If not, it is not impossible that you will be given family leave for a certain period of the year.”

“Yes, yes.” Chengfeng Su nodded repeatedly: “I know this, don’t worry, I will immediately arrange the trip and go to Nigeria today!”