Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6940

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6940

Charlie smiled and said: “The elixir is ready. When the AI ​​model completes the delivery work, please invite him to the palace and sell the elixir to him personally.”

“Okay, Mr. Wade.” Helena nodded respectfully and said, “I haven’t given you the money for selling Howard’s pills last time. Let me send it to you this time!”

Charlie asked him: “How much did the potion cost last time?”

When asked by Charlie directly, Helena knew that she needed to lie, so she felt a little nervous.

He adjusted his mentality slightly and said, “Back to Mr. Wade, we sold a total of 111 billion in cash, and we will split it 50-50 as you requested. You should be given $55 billion.”

Charlie smiled and said: “Helena, the reason why I asked you to deal with Howard is because I don’t want to have contact with father and son at the same time,

but this does not mean that I will not have direct contact with Howard in the future.

The previous one How much is the potion? When I face Howard one day and he knows that his fate is actually in my hands, he will definitely tell me the truth.”

When Helena heard Charlie’s words, she became more and more panicked and said quickly: “Mr. Wade…I…I’m sorry to you…those pills actually didn’t sell for 111 billion.. .”

When Helena said that, she quickly explained: “The terms I negotiated with Howard at the time were 60 billion US dollars, plus a complete set of AI models, but you said you would let me keep 50%.

This money is really too much, I really can’t accept it, so… So I lied to you and said it was 111 billion…”

Charlie nodded. He guessed that the reason Helena lied was because she didn’t want to take too much money from him, so she exaggerated the total transaction amount to increase the total amount she had to give him.

Seeing Charlie silent, Helena said anxiously: “Mr. Wade… I’m really sorry for lying to you… Please don’t be angry…”

Charlie smiled and said: “This has nothing to do with being angry or not.

The main reason why I agree with you to split the sales amount 50/50 is because what I want is an AI model.

To exchange a panacea for an AI model I think It is already a very cost-effective deal.

As for how much additional benefit you can get based on these basic conditions, it all depends on your personal fluency and ability we split this part 50-50.

Can you take some extra money out of Howard’s pocket?

“The offer of 60 billion US dollars is a windfall for me, and it is fair for you to take half of this money.”

Helena bit her lower lip lightly, and after a few seconds she said: “Mr. Wade… But there are too many…”

Charlie waved his hand and said: “It doesn’t matter how much, what’s important is that we have reached an agreement beforehand.

Since we have agreed on a 50-50 split, if you get 600 yuan, I will share 300 yuan with you.

If you get 60 billion yuan, I will also share it with you. Thirty billion.”

Saying that, Charlie didn’t wait for him to express his position, and said: “After the delivery is completed tomorrow, you help me sell half of the pills to Howard.

I won’t share the 50 billion with you. It’s purely yours.”

Do me a favor, and after you complete the deal with him, just pay me a total of 80 billion US dollars, including 30 billion up front.”

Helena said shyly: “Mr. Wade… Thirty billion US dollars might not be a big deal for you…

But for the Nordic royal family, this amount of money was simply astronomical.

We… We, the Nordic royal family, were originally If not prosperous enough, even with this 30 billion US dollars, I don’t know where to spend it…”

Charlie said with a serious expression: “If you don’t know where to spend it, just save it.

If you have money, you should spend it.

In the West, isn’t saving money illegal?”