Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6949

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6949

Charlie asked him: “How many satellites does it take to realize that you can photograph anywhere you want in one day?”

“If the technology is mature, four to five times is enough.” Abren Lang said: “Most mature private companies in the United States now have such capabilities, and some leading companies can even achieve the goal of eight repeat visits a day.

This means that, if necessary, the satellite can be controlled to pass over the target point eight times a day, and can be photographed every three hours.”

Charlie asked him: “How much is a company like this worth? Can it be bought?”

Abren Lang thought for a moment: “If I remember correctly, it was probably around three to four billion US dollars.”

Having said that, Abren Lang added: “But it is really troublesome to buy such a company.

Most companies in the United States are started by founders starting with angel investments and piecemeal financing.

By the time they reach a market value of a few billion dollars, there are a lot of people behind them. There are at least dozens of large and small shareholders.

It is not easy to buy them, and it also involves the issue of delisting and privatization of some core technologies, the US government will not allow them to buy and sell at will.

If you really want to sell, both buyers and sellers must go through strict supervision.”

Charlie asked him: “In other words, if I give Musk enough money to buy his SaceX, he won’t be able to sell it to me?”

Abren Lang nodded and said: “It is impossible to sell it to you completely, because it is not counted even if he said so. SaceX has not been listed, but its estimated market value is more than 100 billion US dollars.

Even though Musk is the major shareholder, there are many people behind him. There are many complex capital relationships, and probably too many shareholders to count,

so he can only sell some of his shares to you at most, and if you buy his shares, you will most likely only be a shareholder, and you will not be responsible for the company’s business and secrets.

They do not have decision-making power, and for the US government, aerospace technology is clearly more important to buy a low-key remote sensing satellite company, it is possible to buy SaceX”.

Charlie said: “By comparison, buying SaceX doesn’t mean much to me. Buying a remote sensing satellite company like you mentioned is the most cost-effective.

After purchasing it, invest some more money to increase the number of satellites. ” , it would be better if we could revisit it every hour.”

Abren Lang said: “If you can find suitable white gloves from the United States, this problem can still be achieved.

These white gloves must first be 100% reliable, and secondly must be American made, and must be white, not an Ethnic minority, let alone an immigrant.

Third, he must have a certain social status in the United States, and the Department of Homeland Security must be 100% sure that he is a company.

As long as the government does not intervene, the shareholders behind it can solve problems with money.

If the company’s normal valuation is $4 billion, giving it six billion or even eight billion should get shareholders to compromise and the company can buy into the white-glove name.

Once downloaded, the data will be synced to you immediately. If you have any special needs, just let the White Glove team ask, and the team just needs to comply.”

“White gloves…” Charlie thought for a moment.

Among the people he knew who had a certain social status in the United States, one was the An family, another was the Fei family, and another was the Rothschild family. .

The An family and the Fei family are both Chinese families, especially the An family.

Now that they have started investing heavily in China, they are certainly not suited to doing this kind of thing given their Chinese identity, but the Rothschilds are not at all.

Their social status in the United States and their influence in the US government were unmatched by any other person or family.

Thinking of this, he suddenly became enlightened and said with a smile:

“When it comes to the right white glove, I really have a good candidate.

It should be very easy for the second in command of the Rothschild family to handle this matter!”