Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6992

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6992

So Charlie asked him: “Inspector Li, if I want to take thousands of people out of this phosphate mining area and transport them to Syria without anyone knowing, do you have any good ideas?”

“This…” Duncan Li said anxiously: “The movement of thousands of people is too great, and this mining area is not coastal. It is absolutely impossible not to leave any clues…”

Speaking, Duncan Li added: “I think this is a very difficult problem, and most likely the only way is by rail. After all, this is the movement of thousands of people.

There are no ships, and the carrying capacity of cars and planes alone is not enough. It may not be possible. Only trains have a chance.”

Charlie asked: “If I asked you to transport these thousands of people, what would you do?”

Duncan Li thought for a moment and said: “I will first try to find out the operation of the train from here to the port, the loading and unloading process of the train, as well as the export procedures, approval process and shipping process. Phosphate ore is exported from the port;”

“Because the railway line is a special route for transporting phosphate, it must be available to all mining areas.

Either the mining area has its own freight trains and then pays the government for the use of those trains, or the trains are operated by the government and the mining area pays the government to cover the transportation costs, no matter what,

You must first ensure that each mining area can run freight trains from point to point. If Duke Mining frequently has special trains departing for the port, the possibility of transporting people out will be greater;”

“Assuming there are no problems with the special trains, then people can be transported to the port in batches via special trains,

then a gap in the harbor had to be opened to ensure that during the loading and unloading process people could be safe and secretly sent to the ship.

As long as those people get on board, the chances of success will be much greater.”

Charlie muttered: “If the cargo carriage is fifty tons, a special train weighing five thousand tons will require a hundred carriages.

Each carriage can hide ten people, and one train can hide a thousand people. The efficiency is indeed It is very high.

If we evacuate the Warriors Den and their families first, we might be able to handle it with just a few special trains.

The key question is how to get the people hiding on the train to the ship safely without leaving any traces.”

Duncan Li asked Charlie: “Does Mr. Wade want to go to Duke Mining for an on-site inspection?

If so, we can observe these transport routes together and see the process of transportation and export of Moroccan phosphate by sea.

Only by looking at doing that, can we have a chance to find a gap.”

Charlie nodded and said: “Since we plan to give Warriors Den Hui a surprise, we should go to Morocco.

Now Warriors Den Hui should not think that we have shifted our target to Morocco.

We can go there and observe carefully and then take our time. Make a follow-up plan.”

After that, Charlie said to Duncan Li: “If we go, it’s best for the two of us to go, without anyone else. In addition, the two of us must change our identities and disguise ourselves at the airport in Nigeria.

If there is another incident at the Moroccan Death Guard Station, the Licensing Committee will definitely get all the surveillance videos that can be found in Morocco and eliminate them one by one and the United States, so it is better not to be noticed by them.”

Duncan Li said without thinking: “No problem, change your identity and go there without leaving any clues that can be used by the enemy.”