Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6995

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 6995

The continuous flow of freight trains did not stop until the sky began to darken.

Charlie and Duncan Li observed their operating pattern. Generally, after the diesel locomotive pulled the entire train of freight cars to the cargo yard at the dock,

The locomotive would complete the unhook in the freight yard, then turn around on another track, and then turn around on another track, pulling another car train away.

Cars containing goods left at the freight yard would be pulled by sending locomotives to factories built on some of the railroad tracks to be dismantled,

After the goods are unloaded, they must go through customs inspection and then be transported to the bulk warehouse by port transport trucks.

To the southeast of the transport point there is also a large-scale train transport point.

If goods imported into the port of Casablanca need to be transported by train, they will be assembled and assembled here after completing customs procedures, and then pulled by locomotives to land.

This means that the freight train itself is isolated from the interior of the port. Goods sent here have not gone through customs, while goods awaiting transshipment here have gone through customs, so the management of the freight train yard is relatively loose.

After nightfall, Charlie and Duncan Li had dinner at the hotel. In the restaurant, Charlie saw a young waiter from China, so he asked him: “Young man, do you know what language the locals speak more often?”

The waiter said: “Sir, ordinary people here mostly speak Arabic. Public officials in government departments and teaching staff and school staff basically speak French.”

Charlie nodded, Morocco had long been colonized by France, and French was very popular in the government and education system, perhaps for this reason.

However, Charlie doesn’t know much French. His parents taught him some French when he was a child, but they learned it in short bursts and long gaps, so Charlie’s understanding of French is limited to a few basic terms.

So, he thanked the waiter, and after the waiter left, he asked Duncan Li, “Can Inspector Li speak French?”

Duncan Li nodded and said: “Because I have been dealing with people from countries around the United States and European countries all the years, I have learned French and Spanish and am quite proficient in them.”

Charlie let out a sigh of relief: “That’s good, otherwise I would have to find a translator now.”

Duncan Li hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, I don’t know anything about Arabic.”

Charlie said: “It’s okay. The people we will be talking to tonight are all dock workers.

The port is very important for Casablanca. All management positions there should have received local elite education since childhood. French should be the first language.”

Duncan Li nodded and said, “If they speak French, it should be fine.”

After dinner, the two took a taxi to the port railway management office, which was responsible for the transportation dispatch of all port railways.

Duncan Li looked at the door of the management office and asked Charlie in confusion: “Mr. Wade, should we go straight in?”

Charlie nodded. He had just used his spiritual energy to check the situation inside the entire management office.

Currently, in addition to one security personnel in charge of security work outside the management office, there are a total of nine people working inside. Six of them They are all in the largest room on the second floor, which must be their dispatch room.

Charlie’s idea is very simple, just use psychological suggestion to control the security outside the door, ask him who the top person in charge here is, and then let him take the two of them to find each other.

So, he said to Duncan Li: “Inspector Li, if you see me patting someone else on the shoulder later, ask him directly in French who is in charge here, and then ask him to take us there.”

“Okay.” Duncan Li nodded. He knew that Charlie had great magical powers, so he didn’t need to ask any more.

They both came to the door of the management office. When the security guards outside the door saw two Asians, they shouted in broken English: “Get out! Go!”

When Charlie saw the security guard chasing the two away, he smiled and said in English: “Brother, don’t you remember me?”

As he spoke, he used a stream of spiritual energy to enter another person’s brain, and the person walked towards him, pretending to be an old friend and patted the person on the shoulder.

Duncan Li quickly stepped forward and asked him in French: “Where is your main person in charge?”

The other party answered honestly: “Our deputy manager works the night shift in the office.”

Duncan Li nodded: “Take us to see him.”

The other party immediately said: “Please come with me.”