Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7002

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7002

Duncan Li said: “Duke Mining covers such a large area. If we really want to achieve infrared monitoring and thermal imaging without blind spots, we may need so many equipment and build a large security system.

It’s not like buying multiple wireless devices for your home.”

The camera only needs to be turned on and connected to the wireless network. The security system cannot only have front-end equipment. Back-end equipment engineering is bigger.

Typically, there are hundreds of different surveillance probes in a building.

It takes a lot of time to maintain these hundreds of cameras.

In an independent computer room, each camera requires an average of hundreds of meters of line to connect to the computer room, and various switching equipment needs to be built to connect them.

Coupled with the control system and storage system, the volume will be incredible.

As he said that, he saw another batch of goods waiting to be loaded onto the truck and said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, look, this batch of goods is from Seagate.

Seagate is also an American company and mainly produces storage equipment. This is just its storage equipment.”

There are a lot of them, and there is Panduit, which is also an American brand of network cable.

It appears that this train is equipped with a network cable.

It is unimaginable if it only connects the areas within a few kilometers.”

After that, Duncan Li and Charlie scanned the goods in the other carriages. Basically, they were all big brands in the security field.

After scanning it, Charlie could basically conclude that Duke Mining had not built a powerful monitoring system, but this batch of equipment could be considered a huge investment.

As soon as this batch of equipment arrived and was put into use, Duke Mining Within a few kilometers, if a sparrow passed by, it would be detected by the device.

So, Charlie said to Duncan Li: “Inspector Li, ask the AI ​​to retrieve the transaction details between Moore Trading and Phillier Group to see if they can find the equipment list.”

Duncan Li said: “It should be fine. Please wait a moment and I will perform the operation.”

It is not difficult for AI to hack a system. It can find all the vulnerabilities of a website or server in a short time, and then quickly find out the data that the user wants.

Immediately, the Ai system was given an order, obtaining the details of the trading transactions between Feilier and Moore through a small gap in Feilier’s server.

In detail, there are thousands of fixed installations of thermal imaging and night vision equipment.

In addition, there are also a thousand sets of handheld equipment for one person.

Even the most advanced direct warning radar is also on the purchase list to become the most powerful equipment in the civil field at present, and they purchased six sets at once.

After Charlie read the list, he said to Duncan Li: “It seems that we arrived at the right time. Duke Mining’s security system has not been set up yet.

Taking advantage of this fact, I will infiltrate through the train tomorrow, then I will find a way to break through.”

Duncan Li said: “Mr. Wade, none of us have a maid in the whole of Casablanca.

It’s already very difficult for you to handle such a large death camp alone.

If there were no helpers, then large-scale death camps would occur.” The transfer might be very difficult.”

Charlie said: “We can’t rush into a large-scale transfer.

I want to go in first to see the specific situation.

If I can control the situation, then I can slowly think of a solution based on the actual situation.”

Saying that, Charlie added: “In fact, Ys Shipping has been sending ships in and out of Casablanca port recently, but Duke Mining is too far from the port, and I checked it, and it seems that some Moroccan military warships have it.

also docked in Casablanca. Hong Kong, it is very difficult to evacuate thousands of people abroad under the supervision of the military must find another way out.”

Duncan Li asked him: “What if you can’t control the situation after arriving at Duke Mining?”

Charlie said: “It was difficult to control the situation because the people inside were not cooperating.

Logically, they had been enslaved by the Qing Dynasty for generations, so they couldn’t help but cooperate.

But if someone really doesn’t cooperate, then the other side is clearly on my side. “

If they are the opposite, then I can only treat them as enemies.”

After that, Charlie pointed to the person in charge and said to Duncan Li:

“Inspector Li, ask that person where the freight station distribution cabinet is.

I’ll break the circuit here first.

After the circuit was destroyed, today It was impossible to work all night.

The loading and unloading task will automatically be postponed until tomorrow morning.

In this way, all tomorrow’s freight trains may be affected, delaying at least six or seven hours of priority.

Pull this shipment from Duke Mining until after four o’clock tomorrow afternoon.”