Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7006

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7006

In order to acquire a suitable food processing company as soon as possible, Duncan Li asked AI to analyze the list of all formal food processing companies in Morocco, and then analyze the advantages, pros and cons of each food processing company based on their registered addresses and satellite images of the horizon.

One of the biggest advantages of AI is that it can think, so Duncan Li does not need to guide it step by step, but directly tells it its needs and allows it to find companies from these companies whose operating conditions are not good but have land and buildings.

The scale of the business can hide a food company that has thousands of people and is located far from densely populated areas.

So, AI immediately selects five companies that meet its needs.

These five companies are all located in relatively remote areas of Morocco. One of them is not far from Duke Mining, only about a hundred kilometers away.

What’s even more perfect, this company is only less than fifty kilometers from the coastline.

if you want to put people here to wait for overseas transfer, then this is the best option.

Therefore, Duncan Li temporarily separated from Charlie the next morning and went to the company alone to find out.

Charlie, on the other hand, stayed in the hotel room and sat on the floor, continuously reviewing the mudra set while slowly gathering the spiritual energy in his body.

Charlie is now obsessed with this series of handprints, like a sheep addict addicted to collecting wool.

As long as he had time, he would practice with this set of handprints and gain extra aura for himself by repeating the set of handprints.

After three hours of travel, Duncan Li finally arrived at the city where the food processing company was located.

The company is located on the outskirts of a small town, with over 300 employees who are basically from this town.

The town is about 30 kilometers from the fishing ports on the northeast coast of Morocco. The people in this town do not have the opportunity to become fishermen.

While coastal fishermen improve their standard of living by fishing, villagers in this small village can only work in the surrounding seafood processing companies.

The company chosen by Duncan Li is a company that specializes in producing processed seafood, especially canned sardines.

Morocco is the world’s largest exporter of sardines. There are at least hundreds or thousands of domestic companies that rely on the production of canned sardines and other seafood products.

Although Morocco’s GDP increases due to sardines, the companies that produce canned sardines are large and small.

Because they are only the most basic food processors, the threshold is relatively low, and because the threshold is low, the competition between similar companies is also very fierce.

When new companies want to gain a foothold, they often rely on price wars to get orders.

As time goes by, everyone starts competing with each other. The price drop has caused the profit margins of the entire industry to continue to decline. Currently, many companies are struggling to survive.

Likewise with the company chosen by Duncan Li.

It was funded and established by former local government civil servants. After more than ten years of continuous development, its scale has indeed become larger and larger. However, due to backward production technology and low efficiency, the business conditions here have gradually declined.

The business owner is getting older, gradually losing his ambition, and only wants to continue to make a little profit from this company.

It is precisely because of this idea that he did not invest money in the company for improvement and expansion in recent years that the company became increasingly competitive.

More importantly, it is very difficult to sell such an old company. The profit of this industry is not high.

The cost of upgrading and transforming here is a huge cost. If you are not careful, you may suffer losses to take risks.

And Duncan Li also likes another natural advantage of seafood processing companies, namely, they must have vehicles that transport raw materials that are constantly moving between factories and route docks.