Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7007

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7007

The only reliable option is to disguise itself as a seafood processing plant to continue transporting people using vehicles that go to and from the fishing port.

So overall, this company is the best choice.

When Duncan Li came to the door of this food processing company, he found that the company did not even have a security guard, and the dilapidated door was always open.

From the outside, the factory building was large, but it did have some age, and the overall appearance was relatively dilapidated.

The first area entered is an open space of about three to four thousand square meters, where a dilapidated Fiat car parks, as well as various bicycles and a small number of simple motorbikes that have been modified beyond recognition.

The right side looks like a loading and unloading area, because there is not only a platform to facilitate loading and unloading, but also a single, tightly closed building.

Duncan Li speculated that it should be a cold storage area for storing raw materials, and it happened to be a truck.

Parked in front of the cargo platform, several loaders carry fresh seafood covered in ice from above and move it to the rear cooling room;

The rear of the cold storage is connected to the largest single factory building, which is believed to be a processing production line.

There is a similar cargo platform on the left. This cargo platform is also equipped with a covered building behind it, this must be a storage place for finished products.

When Duncan Li arrived at the door of the largest factory building in the center, the roar inside was already deafening. Because the cans needed to be heated for production and sterilization, the large door was always emitting waves of humid heat.

It was only after Duncan Li entered the factory that someone finally noticed this unfamiliar face, so someone stepped forward to question him warily in the local language.

Duncan Li saw that he looked like an ordinary worker, so he took out a ten dollar bill and handed him the money and asked him in English: “Where is your boss? I want to meet him.”

The other party didn’t understand English or French, but he had heard the word boss, so he immediately realized that Duncan Li wanted to meet his boss.

Moreover, the other party was also generous, ten dollars was more than his daily salary, So he immediately made a flattering gesture to Duncan Li and enthusiastically led him to his boss’s office.

The boss’s office is located in a two-story building supported by a steel structure on the side of the factory. It is surrounded by glass, and you can see the panorama of the entire factory.

The boss was a little surprised when his employee brought a stranger, so he started to look at Duncan Li from a distance.

Although Duncan Li disguised himself, his real face was not visible, but he still had an Asian face, and this factory and its upstream and downstream were almost all local Moroccans, so seeing Asians here was indeed very strange.

Duncan Li investigated the background of this boss before coming here. He is 61 years old this year. He was originally a civil servant working in a higher-level city government department whose industry has prospects,

He resigned and went to sea. He returned to his hometown and opened a canning factory.

Since he was a local resident and had accumulated many contacts as a civil servant in the city, he returned to build the factory and obtained many favorable policies.

He not only got a lot of land, but he also got a lot of low-interest loans and the scale was also getting bigger.

However, since he started from scratch, the actual income was not very high in the first few years of his business. The money he earned was used to pay back loans or build relationships.

In seven or eight years after his loan was paid off, his income level should be quite good, with annual profits of around US$200,000, which is considered a lot locally.

But the situation has worsened in recent years, and annual profits have now shrunk to just US$30,000 to US$50,000.