Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7013

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7013

After doing this, the boss happily returned home with the US dollars given by Duncan Li.

From now on, the factory was completely handed over to Duncan Li, and no former employees remained on site.

Duncan Li immediately classified the scene and asked the An Family people to dismantle all the machines and stack them neatly in the middle of the factory.

He divided the entire factory into two. The large factory would be used to provide food for the dead and the soldiers.

The temporary residence their family uses is divided into two parts to temporarily separate men and women and protect privacy.

All doors and windows have been secured, and a large number of surveillance cameras have been installed on the top and sides of the factory area surrounded by factory walls and factory buildings.

Although the equipment that is too high-tech can not be used temporarily, but the equipment has been installed fully monitored without being exposed. That is enough.

Although the ingredients in the factory warehouse are relatively simple, there are still some other ingredients stored in the employee canteen.

Duncan Li had already issued a purchase order and asked the An Family people to secretly purchase several other types of canned food and send them to the location. The cold storage was quite large, and could usually hold at least tens of tons of raw materials, and could also stockpile food for thousands of people.

After doing all this, Duncan Li called Charlie. He told Charlie: “Mr. Wade, I’m almost ready here. The basic food and medicine are ready, and the environment on site has been cleaned and disinfected.”

“Now the weather is quite cool, and although the living environment is a little worse, the feeling is not too bad. I will wait for your news to see when the first wave will be arranged to come.”

Charlie asked him: “Inspector Li, have you seen the traffic conditions from Duke Mining to your place?”

Duncan Li said: “I have seen it through the map and skyline information. Although this road is basically a small road, its traffic capacity should be passable, and the driving distance is not too far. It is about a hundred kilometers, and two or three It will definitely arrive in an hour.”

Therefore, Duncan Li added: “What I am more worried about now is that when we start to mobilize large numbers of personnel one after another, large vehicles will definitely be used.

I want to start investigating the actual traffic conditions here. the road tonight. Let’s see what vehicles usually run on this road.

Let’s prepare first. Didn’t you ask me to acquire a logistics company?

I plan to see which logistics company has more traffic on this line to get it, Just use our people to keep running this line and send everyone here.”

“Okay.” Charlie said, “Detective Li will take full responsibility for this matter.”

“If everything goes well on my side, when Joseph arrives tomorrow, I will ask him to bring a group of people there first.”

“Most of them will die. All the warriors have the strength of a three-star warrior or above.

Let the dead soldiers try to travel quickly on land first. For them, walking 100 kilometers is not a problem, the target is the smallest. With them, the power will not be found by ordinary people.

If most people can reach their destinations by forced march, then the pressure on us for transportation will be much smaller, only a few old people, young people, women and children. “

“Okay!” Duncan Li said: “I will also prepare the vehicle as soon as possible and provide support at any time if needed!”

Read: Hero Of Hearts Complete Novel