Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7040

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7040

Everyone passed around the water cup hesitantly and drank it all under Yin Willsonyang’s leadership.

Immediately afterward, everyone immediately felt that the sharp and strange poison mixed with the true energy within the body was rapidly disintegrating in a very short time.

Instead, there is a very surging and natural energy.

In fact, the poison that Victoria prepared for the Warriors Den and the Cavalry Guards was an uncontrolled mixture of true energy and spiritual energy, with true energy accounting for the majority and only a small amount of spiritual energy mixed in.

When this mixture of true energy and spiritual energy was within their bodies, it could increase their true combat ability, but true energy itself was also a time bomb.

If the antidote cannot be taken in time, the true energy will attack their meridians and internal organs, leaving them to die instantly.

Charlie’s potion contained pure Qi and a little spiritual energy. After drinking it, the two would work together on the uncontrolled Qi, destroying it completely.

That uncontrolled energy had long been a shackle that imprisoned their bodies and souls.

They could feel the existence of the shackles all the time, so when the shackles suddenly collapsed, they immediately realized that the shackles that had been in their bodies since birth had finally disappeared completely at this moment.

For a moment, everyone was very happy, many people even hugged and cried.

They, and their ancestors, had the greatest desire in their lives to break these shackles.

It was a pity that because the poison was mixed with a little spiritual energy, warriors like them could not break it with their own strength. Only by using stronger spiritual energy could the poison be countered.

Although Charlie’s strength is much worse than Victoria, the number of people Victoria needs to control is too large.

In order to save spiritual energy, he only left a small amount of spiritual energy in the bodies of the dead knights and soldiers. For Charlie, detoxifying them was not too difficult.

Yin Willsonyang was very excited. At first he was a little doubtful whether Charlie could detoxify them, but now after personal experience, he was not worried at all.

So, he took the lead in walking up to Charlie, kneeling on one knee, cupping his hands and saying, “Mr. Wade’s great kindness will not be forgotten by my subordinates!”

The others immediately stepped forward and knelt down on one knee.

Charlie said: “Time is running out. Please seize the time and lead your men to speed up production. Commander Yin will accompany me to meet the Warriors Den here.”

Yin Willsonyang immediately said: “Yes Mr. Wade.”

After that, he said to the others: “Tell the brothers, do your best to mine and produce.

Han Qianhu, transfer all the brothers from the third battalion to the mining area to support, first help the first battalion with mining, and then help the second battalion with production!”

Han Qianhu, Han Zhengguang, who had just declared his loyalty to Charlie, was Qianhu of the Third Battalion and the No. 1 officer of the Third Battalion.

At Duke Mining, the Third Battalion is primarily responsible for security, transportation, loading and unloading, and maintenance. Supporting the work, the men and horses are flexible.

Recently, the workforce has been mainly busy building watchtowers in the mining area and subsequently installing monitoring equipment.

However, all of those tasks could be completely stopped now, so he could allocate his manpower to support the mining area.

If everyone increases the intensity of their work, the mining work in the next three days can be completed within 24 hours.

In this way, in the next 24 hours, you can focus on the production of the refinery. As long as the refinery can produce the entire production capacity for the next three days in the next 48 hours, then most of the Cavalry can be produced. produced the day after tomorrow.

All the guards were withdrawn, leaving only Han Zhengguang with the unloading team to load the last phosphate truck and complete the docking shipment with the Moroccan National Railway.

Han Qianhu immediately said: “Commander Yin, don’t worry, my subordinates will personally lead the brothers from the third battalion to the mining area to provide support!”

Yin Willsonyang nodded and said loudly: “From now on, all brothers must unite and try their best.

Whether our family and future generations can escape the fate of hundreds of years of imprisonment depends on the next three days!”

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