Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7054

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7054

These dead soldiers and their families had long been trained by the Warriors Den Society to have a very high level of discipline and obedience. Although everyone was very eager to escape, they still carried out the task according to Duncan Li’s request.

During the day, the food factory is quiet. Although it is quite crowded with thousands of people, the order is still well maintained. Even if you pass by the door, you will not realize that thousands of people are crowded here.

In order to prevent the outside world from being aware of it, Duncan Li also built a room inside the room with good sound insulation effect in the factory. Babies under two years old live here with their mothers to ensure that the baby’s occasional crying is not transmitted. Go outside the food factory.

For safety reasons, the food that Duncan Li provides to all the Warriors Den and their families is basically fast food.

His own food factory had a large stock of canned sardines, and Duncan Li prepared bread, biscuits, canned red meat, and fresh vegetables that did not need to be cooked first. In this way, thousands of people could eat without having to go to war.

Food and drinking water are distributed in rations, and there are also tightly sealed garbage bags. After eating, everyone consciously puts all the garbage produced into the tightly sealed bag, and then the person in charge of each group takes it back and collects it.

Domestic waste generated during the day will be put into logistics trucks after nightfall. On the way to Duke Mining, there happened to be a garbage dump.

The Cataclysmic Front soldiers secretly sent the garbage to the landfill on the way and buried it together with the large amount of garbage in the landfill, so that it could be processed smoothly.

The refinery had produced the phosphate that needed to be shipped for the final day one day ahead of schedule, and on the evening of the second day, all Qingqi Guards from the second battalion associated with production were evacuated.

All members of the Knights’ family, as well as most of the Knights, were evacuated before dawn.

Time has entered the last day of the plan.

Currently, the only people remaining in Duke Mining, besides Charlie, Joseph Wan and Song Ruyu, were the transport team from the third battalion.

The Cavalry Guards of the Third Battalion were loading the last batch of phosphate into empty cars, waiting for the afternoon train to arrive and transport them away.

In order to prevent the outside world from being aware of the abnormality, the first battalion also retained dozens of Cavalry Guards responsible for mining, and continued to carry out majestic work in the mining area stopped mining during the day.

At noon, Yin Willsonyang received a phone call and immediately reported to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, the people from Moore Trading just contacted me. They are coming to pick up the first batch of members for the big replacement at twelve o’clock tonight. Let me prepare.”

Charlie nodded and asked him: “Is it confirmed what time the Moroccan National Railway train will arrive?”

Yin Willsonyang replied: “The National Railway arrived around four o’clock, and the goods have been loaded.”

After that, Yin Willsonyang asked Charlie: “By the way, Mr. Wade, when will we withdraw?”

Charlie said: “After dark, you immediately arrange for everyone to gather all the construction vehicles here in the office building. Store the oil in the underground oil tank, pump half of it out and pour it into the well, and pump the other half into the entire building. After that, how long will it take?”

Yin Willsonyang thought for a moment and said: “At most two hours.”

“Okay!” Charlie nodded and said: “Evacuate as soon as you are done. I will stay here and wait for the Moore Trade people to arrive before starting the fire.”

Yin Willsonyang asked: “Mr. Wade, is it too risky for you to stay here? Why don’t we just light a fire there at ten o’clock and evacuate together? What do you think?”