Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7055

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

Millionaire Son In Law Chapter 7055

4:00 pm.

The freight train from the Moroccan National Railway arrived at Duke Mining on time.

The Third Battalion Cavalry Guards guided the train to the platform according to the previous procedure. After the train unhooked the empty cars, they helped the locomotive turn around and slowly removed the prepared phosphate from the platform.

Yin Willsonyang stood on the platform with the Cavalry Guards in charge of transportation, watching the train slowly speeding up and down, and he was so excited in his heart that he almost cheered.

Once the train departs, the remaining task for everyone is to prepare for evacuation!

They have dreamed of breaking free from the clutches of the Seiji Society for generations and centuries, and now they are only hours away from achieving that goal.

After the train departed, the construction machinery in the mining area continued to operate. After the sky was completely dark, the construction machinery was brought to the open space under the office building by the first battalion of the Cavalry Guards.

Heavy equipment one by one kept gathering, all close together, and the scene was spectacular.

At the same time, the third battalion of the Cavalry Guards began connecting the oil pipeline.

Because Duke Mining has a large number of construction machinery and vehicles that need to be refueled, the fuel reserves here are very high, of which diesel is the main component, accounting for 60 to 70% of the total fuel reserves, and the rest is gasoline. .

Because diesel does not ignite easily at normal temperatures and pressures, the Cavalry Guards pour all the diesel into large sealed containers at mines and processing plants, then combine large amounts of diesel to ignite.

Yin Willsonyang said to Charlie: “Mr. Wade, the high temperature and high pressure generated during the combustion of gasoline will heat up and increase the pressure of these sealed and semi-sealed diesel engines, and ignition is not a problem.”

Charlie nodded and asked him: “Is this fuel enough to reduce the entire Duke Mining to ashes?”

Yin Willsonyang said enthusiastically: “Enough! A large amount of oil, burning in an underground mine, will definitely burn all the combustible materials underground, and all the steel structures underground will also be greatly affected.

At that time, the steel supports of the anchored structure will lose their strength at high temperatures, which will then cause the collapse of the entire mine structure.

The principle is the same as the skyscraper collapsed due to high temperatures in 911 in the United States by the supervisor, so we are very confident about this.

Saying that, Yin Willsonyang added: “In addition, most of the refinery buildings are steel structure buildings. High temperature will cause the performance of the load-bearing parts to decline rapidly.

As long as the fire burns for tens of minutes, it will definitely collapse. The main office building is a steel-concrete structure, the floors are not high, and the possibility of burning is low. However, we still have explosives left over from the previous underground expansion. Place explosives in the load-bearing part of the main building.

When the time comes, the explosives will be detonated remotely and the explosion will occur, burning, tons of diesel in the fuel tank will immediately reach critical value, then will cause deflagration one by one, and will definitely be completely destroyed.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded and said, “You can evacuate first after taking care of this. I will stay here and wait for them to come.”

Yin Willsonyang could only sigh: “I also want to see this place turn to ashes with my own eyes…”

Charlie smiled and said, “No problem. You can evacuate first to a height of three to five kilometers away and enjoy the fireworks show tonight from a distance.”