Hero Of Heart Chapter 5362

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5362 Mrs. Jiang knows that Charlie is a noble person, not to mention how much the vine phoenix bone is worth, but she saved herself and her son’s life, which can’t be measured by any

Hero Of Heart 5361

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5361 Coincidentally, when the previous owner purchased this community, he also bought the nearly 100-square-foot shop in the bottom shop next door, in a rush to cash in, the original tenant rented after the lease

Hero Of Heart 5360

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5360 Seeing Mrs. Jiang’s son coming back, Issac’s first reaction was to find a way to stop him, so as not to delay Charlie’s discussion with Mrs. Jiang. However, at this time, Charlie had persuaded

Hero Of Heart 5359

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5359 Charlie’s words really touched Old Madam Jiang. He cried involuntarily. As his body suddenly became much younger, he suddenly knelt in front of Charlie, kowtowed heavily, and said respectfully, “Thank you benefactor for your

Hero Of Heart 5358

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5358 Old lady Jiang didn’t know that the pill Charlie took out was the Rejuvenation Pill that the ancestors of the Jiang family had told their descendants about. In the past thousand years, the Rejuvenating

Hero Of Heart 5357

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5357 The old woman quickly said, “Sir. We have nothing to pay for our lives, how can we ask for your real estate again…” Charlie waved his hand and said seriously, “Grandma Jiang, this little

Hero Of Heart 5356

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5356 “People with other surnames don’t know.” The old woman replied, “These things are only known in the Jiang family.” Charlie nodded lightly, and asked her, “The Jiang family hopes to wait here until Old

Hero Of Heart 5355

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5355 “Yes.” The old woman said, “The ancestors left the ancestral instructions during their lifetime. Jiang family members have not been allowed to leave here for generations. They must always guard the graves of Meng

Hero Of Heart 5354

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5354 When the old woman heard Charlie say the words Rejuvenation Pill, she asked in shock, “You… you know the Rejuvenation Pill too?!” Charlie nodded and said bluntly, “I know.” Charlie didn’t say a word.

Hero Of Heart 5353

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 5353 Speaking of this, Charlie suddenly remembered something, Asked in surprise, “By the way, Grandma Jiang, you said there were two bracelets?” “Yes!” The old woman said firmly, “Both bracelets are made of phoenix bone