Hero Of Heart 4811

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4811 Jemima Liu said shyly: “Miss Fei… I can take any car…” Stella Fei said with a smile: “Since any car can be used, let’s take this car, and I will squeeze the car with

Hero Of Heart 4810

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4810 Charlie nodded, seeing that there was still no sign of Jemima Liu among the people standing outside the car, he felt a little disappointed in his heart subconsciously. But he didn’t ask Gerard Liu

Hero Of Heart 4809

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4809 Five o’clock in the afternoon Gerard Liu’s Rolls-Royce team took him and Hogan Chen to the hotel where Charlie and Stella Fei were staying just in time. Looking at Charlie, Gerard Liu said respectfully:

Hero Of Heart 4808

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4808 Jemima Liu felt her face a little swollen, and said a little angrily: “Xuanxuan, if you are always rude in the future, then it is better for me to stay away from you in

Hero Of Heart 4807

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4807 When Charlie and Stella Fei were shopping at the mall, Jemima Liu who was preparing for a thesis trial at school immediately suddenly received an email signed by Aurous Hill University. When he saw

Hero Of Heart 4806

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4806 Soon, the two parked the car and came to the largest Sogo department store on Hong Kong Island. In order not to be recognized, Stella Fei put on a mask and sunglasses, and followed

Hero Of Heart 4805

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4805 In this world, the person who understood Hogan Chen’s abilities the most was Gerard Liu. If not for Bella Fang, he would definitely do everything possible to keep Hogan Chen by his side and

Hero Of Heart 4804

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4804 There are also two VIP seats at the scene, reserved for Charlie and Stella. After Charlie sat down, Gerard stood up with a glass of wine, and said to Charlie with great gratitude: “Mr

Hero Of Heart 4803

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4803 Stella Fei’s smiling comment left all the reporters on the scene dumbfounded. Although everyone suspected that Stella might know Gerard, nobody thought that Stella could give Gerard Liu such a face. In her capacity

Hero Of Heart 4802

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia The charismatic charlie wade 4802 It’s just that he’s surrounded by many reporters taking pictures at the moment, and he can’t see Stella Fei at all, and according to the original plan, at this time, Master Samson Yu of