Hero Of Hearts 6726

Hero of heart The amazing son in law complete, Bahasa Indonesia

The charismatic charlie wade Chapter 6726

Chen Yufei suddenly became desperate.

He also knew in his heart that according to the content of this video, he must have made a big mistake.

There’s nothing wrong with the group firing him based on the video.

At this moment, his intestines turned green with regret, and he cried in his heart:

“Damn it, if I knew today’s situation would be like this, I would rather be beaten than conspire with Parker Ermao to do something like that. !

In the end, Peter Zhou was not punished.

I will make 20 million yuan because of this, and I am famous.

Isn’t this a big loss?”

When he thought about this, he hated Parker Ermao even more.

So, he gritted his teeth and said to the HR manager:

“Let me tell you the truth, what happened yesterday was not at all because of my blindness,

but the trick that Master Orvel’s master, Parker Ermao, did on Peter Zhou.

He took on the bronze Buddha.”

It was because he discovered someone came to our Jiqing Hall to show off and asked me to keep things according to the lines he said;”

“Then he asked someone to sell this item to Peter Zhou.

He originally wanted to cheat Peter Zhou, but he didn’t expect to give him such a big gift…”

“I think Fifth Master and Director Song have a good relationship, they are both friends,

so I thought I would help if I could.

Since we were acting together, I didn’t look closely at this.

Who would have thought that Parker Ermao couldn’t be contacted, but instead you deceived me…

Please tell Director Song about this, I really don’t mean to exclude the Bronze Buddha…”

As he said that, he took out his cell phone and found the chat history between himself and Parker Ermao.

There were all the lines in the script that Parker Ermao gave him, which were completely different from what he said in the video.

He handed the phone to the HR manager and said with a sad expression: “That’s not true.

I have chat records between Parker Ermao and me.

You can read it yourself!”

Currently, Chen Yufei can only treat dead horses as a living doctor.

After all, Orvel and Warnia do have a certain friendship,

and these chat records may also prove that he didn’t really get attention, but did.

is exactly what Parker Ermao said.

In this way, to some extent, Parker Ermao and Orvelye were dragged into the water.

At this point, Chen Yufei had no other choice but to take desperate measures.

The HR manager looked at the chat history on his phone and frowned.

He didn’t expect that there was a hidden secret in this matter.

In addition, people from Mr. Orvel’s side were also involved.

He looked at Chen Yufei and said, “Wait a moment, I’ll make a call.”

Chen Yufei saw that he was taking it seriously, and hope rekindled in her heart.

The HR manager walked to the door of Ji Qingtang’s shop, took out his cell phone and called Warnia.

Over the phone, he reported the situation to Warnia Song, and then asked Warnia Song:

“Chief, how do you think I should handle this matter?”

Warnia just called Charlie this morning and tentatively asked about Charlie’s attitude towards Peter Zhou.

In the end, he almost judged a man with an evil heart.

So when he heard that Parker Ermao and Chen Yufei worked together to defeat Peter Zhou,

he knew it for sure It had nothing to do with Charlie.

Moreover, Warnia was also very aware that something was wrong.

According to his guess, if Parker Ermao wants to use fake goods to bring good luck, it must be for father-in-law Charlie,

Jacob people run away because of something like that?

Come to Jiqingtang, act with Chen Yufei, and also post it online?

Frankly speaking, didn’t Chen Yufei want to use this incident to step on Peter Zhou’s head to put some money on his own face?

Therefore, he said without hesitation: “Jiqingtang is now in chaos, and it is becoming more and more outrageous.

Let’s do this.

You can fire Chen Yufei normally, and all other Jiqingtang employees will also be fired on the spot, and the compensation will be N+1.

The HR manager hurriedly said: “Chairman, if this happens, Ji Qingtang will probably close down.”

Warnia agreed and said firmly: “Jiqingtang really needs to stop surgery for repairs.

After firing Chen Yufei and firing other employees,

he posted a notice on the door of Jiqingtang, saying that because of the group’s poor management, there was a very serious problem. trouble in Jiqingtang.

Due to serious problems, the shop will be closed for repairs starting today,

and opening hours will be announced later!”